So today was kinda awesome I guess, online school work sucks though, all they ever want is like a million word responses to things that don't really make sense. Then you have to go back and respond to your classmates answers on top of that. Oh well, at least I get to talk to HarlowAnn the rest of the night, that should make things a lot better.
More Blogs
Wednesday Dec 23, 2009
SO it is now Christmas Eve Eve, and I am now living in Indiana. So m… -
Friday Jul 10, 2009
SO the past couple of weeks have been pretty shitty. Dropped my clas… -
Tuesday Jun 23, 2009
Why the hell can I not get on the chat room in here, I mean my intere… -
Thursday May 28, 2009
So today was kinda awesome I guess, online school work sucks though, … -
Tuesday May 26, 2009
So HarlowAnn finally talked me into getting a Suicide Girls account. …
At least you're doing your work though. I'm proud of you