SO it is now Christmas Eve Eve, and I am now living in Indiana. So much stuff as happened since my last post which was forever ago, and totally forgot about Suicide Girls honestly. Then I randomly get and email that someone has restored my account. To whomever that is I thank you very very much. So anyway this is my first Christmas ever ever...
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SO the past couple of weeks have been pretty shitty. Dropped my classes since I was pretty much failing all of them, and now In two weeks i have to retake them and maybe have to go back and pay for one. AND, life at home sucks, Im 20 fucking years old and living at home, and I didn't stop to ask myself what the...
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Indiana with HarlowAnn.... As far as I can see there's really no choice in the matter... I would be moving in with her regardless...
I agree. move in with your gf! it makes all the sense in the world to me. good luck with your choices.
Why the hell can I not get on the chat room in here, I mean my interent connection is by no means slow or even medicore. But I still cant chat with anyone, everytime I get on it just keeps reconnecting me back again. How the hell can I change that?
So today was kinda awesome I guess, online school work sucks though, all they ever want is like a million word responses to things that don't really make sense. Then you have to go back and respond to your classmates answers on top of that. Oh well, at least I get to talk to HarlowAnn the rest of the night, that should make things a...
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lol you're cute. I'm glad i can make things a tad better.
At least you're doing your work though. I'm proud of you
Keep it up baby. I know you can do it.
At least you're doing your work though. I'm proud of you

So HarlowAnn finally talked me into getting a Suicide Girls account. So here I am, hopefully i'll get the hang of everything here in the next couple of days, and figure out how to add people and join all the groups and stuff. But anyways just wanted to say whats UP to everyone
Hello. hope ya enjoy SG world.
Weclome to the world of SG...sit back, relax and enjoy..