so things are actuly going really good for me right now.... despite the fact that im here...... my sister had her baby, so my mom went out and got a web cam so i could see her for the first time, and also so i wouldnt have to wait til nov. to see her... she is soo cute........ then my mustang if finally in the shop getting soo excited about that..... and i have decided that i really want my throat tattooed... the more throat ink i see the more i want one...... also i need to find myself a girl ..... or just find one that says things like she cant wait to see me when i come home... i dont care if she was just lieing to me.... it would be better if she were truthful... but it would be nice to talk to a girl other than my mom.... i love talking to my mom..... but i need some hott girl to talk to talk to and try to convince to see me when i get back..... i find one somewhere........ also im getting pretty tired of reding things about iraq... if you want the no shit this is what its really like answers ask me.... being on the front lines im dealing with the general public every day..... i was here for the invasion nd ill be here til nov. thats if anyone wants my opinon...... i will quit now... gotta go read a little bit