I got tagged by dorwayin, so here's my answers. 1) As n*sync would say, God must have spent a little more time on you. What, exactly, did God spend more time on?
My hubby, pingaling.
2)If you had to start a war on something, what would it be & why? Also, what would the protesters do in protest, to show your war is evil?
I would start a war on stupid waitstaff.
They would probably do the same stuff they do now, like ask if lettuce comes on the b.l.t.
3)In the movie of your life who would play you? Who would play your lover?
Kate Hudson, Jack Black
4)What flavor of Diet Coke do you want next?
Mmm, ShellyMC?
5)Insert pic of best hair ever.
Bald heads do it for me.
6) If girls had penises & boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
Since I'm bi, I guess nothing would change for me.
7) Have you ever farted in public? Under what circumstances?
Not that I'm going to admit to.
8) Tell 1 crazy "drunk in public" story.
I got kicked out of a club in Biloxi for giving a guy I just met a lap-dance at the bar. I also got kicked out of Waffle House for stripping while drunk.
9) Ideal X-mas stocking?
1,000 $ gift card to Barnes & Noble
10) Who is Britney Speras soul-mate?
Christina Agulira
11)What is the one book you think everyone should read?
Kitchen Confidential
12)At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
I think I'm at my heaviest now, I'm probably around 150.
13) Ever puked & run?
14)Ever been too tired too finish masturbating?
15)Tell us 3 true facts & 1 lie.
I'm orally fixated
I'm stubborn as all hell
I'm still not sure why I'm the boss
I'm not in love
16)Insert your favorite cute picture here. (just to make us smile)
Please. I'm lucky I can log on to this website. I'm computer stupid.
17)If you cooked dinner for someone you were head-over-heels in love w/, what would you cook?
Chocolate covered strawberries
Bacon wrapped filet minion
18) If you had to walk around all day w/ something written on your forehead, what would it say?
No, you really are a moron.
19) What's your favorite piece of art? Show us.
My favorite piece of art was a painting bought for me in New Orleans. It was called "Angelique" by a lady named Linda Joyce Franks. It was at my mother's house during Hurricane Katrina, so it survived. Sadly, when mom tried to ship it to me, UPS destoryed it.
20)Would you have sex w/ Xena, warrior princess,? what would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
Hell Yes! I think it would be awesome.
21) What's your favorite animal?
Trouser snake
22) If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
I'd be Purple. Because it's pretty. Duh
23)What turns you on? If it invovles a ball-gag, please describe.
Dirty talk, long slow kisses, being tied up.
24) On a scale of 1-10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'it's too personal'?
*see dorwayin's journal*
25)Why are ball gags sexy?
Because they're fun & they come in pretty cloors.
26)Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
No, I don't use them.
27)What's the most painful thing that's ever been done to you/ you've done to another during sex?
A guy bit me on the tendon that runs inside my thigh, you know up near your puss where it's very tender? I kicked him in the face so I guess that counts for both.
28)If you had to live the rest of your life on a desrted island, & could pick 1 person to go w/ you, would you pick the person you could really talk to, or the person who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, you are a whore.
I would pick my hubby, pingaling, cause he's both. (& yes, I am a whore.)
29)What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
You can't bake worth a shit.
30)If you were/are a big dyke, who would wear the strap-on, you or you lover?
She would.
I'm tagging Pingaling, TreBlah, grumpyoldbastard, KreatinKaos, & transcendence
In other news, I quit smoking & am on my 5th day. I have passed the point where I want to kill myself & everyone around me.
My hubby, pingaling.
2)If you had to start a war on something, what would it be & why? Also, what would the protesters do in protest, to show your war is evil?
I would start a war on stupid waitstaff.
They would probably do the same stuff they do now, like ask if lettuce comes on the b.l.t.
3)In the movie of your life who would play you? Who would play your lover?
Kate Hudson, Jack Black
4)What flavor of Diet Coke do you want next?
Mmm, ShellyMC?

5)Insert pic of best hair ever.
Bald heads do it for me.
6) If girls had penises & boys had vaginas, who would you date/fuck?
Since I'm bi, I guess nothing would change for me.
7) Have you ever farted in public? Under what circumstances?
Not that I'm going to admit to.
8) Tell 1 crazy "drunk in public" story.
I got kicked out of a club in Biloxi for giving a guy I just met a lap-dance at the bar. I also got kicked out of Waffle House for stripping while drunk.
9) Ideal X-mas stocking?
1,000 $ gift card to Barnes & Noble
10) Who is Britney Speras soul-mate?
Christina Agulira
11)What is the one book you think everyone should read?
Kitchen Confidential
12)At your heaviest, how much did you weigh? Liar.
I think I'm at my heaviest now, I'm probably around 150.
13) Ever puked & run?
14)Ever been too tired too finish masturbating?
15)Tell us 3 true facts & 1 lie.
I'm orally fixated
I'm stubborn as all hell
I'm still not sure why I'm the boss
I'm not in love
16)Insert your favorite cute picture here. (just to make us smile)
Please. I'm lucky I can log on to this website. I'm computer stupid.
17)If you cooked dinner for someone you were head-over-heels in love w/, what would you cook?
Chocolate covered strawberries
Bacon wrapped filet minion
18) If you had to walk around all day w/ something written on your forehead, what would it say?
No, you really are a moron.
19) What's your favorite piece of art? Show us.
My favorite piece of art was a painting bought for me in New Orleans. It was called "Angelique" by a lady named Linda Joyce Franks. It was at my mother's house during Hurricane Katrina, so it survived. Sadly, when mom tried to ship it to me, UPS destoryed it.
20)Would you have sex w/ Xena, warrior princess,? what would it be like? Also, if you said no, are you crazy? What are your reasons for declining?
Hell Yes! I think it would be awesome.
21) What's your favorite animal?
Trouser snake
22) If you were a color, what color would you be? Why?
I'd be Purple. Because it's pretty. Duh
23)What turns you on? If it invovles a ball-gag, please describe.
Dirty talk, long slow kisses, being tied up.
24) On a scale of 1-10, how dumb is it to decline the above question by answering 'it's too personal'?
*see dorwayin's journal*
25)Why are ball gags sexy?
Because they're fun & they come in pretty cloors.
26)Do you have any personal opinions on ice trays?
No, I don't use them.
27)What's the most painful thing that's ever been done to you/ you've done to another during sex?
A guy bit me on the tendon that runs inside my thigh, you know up near your puss where it's very tender? I kicked him in the face so I guess that counts for both.
28)If you had to live the rest of your life on a desrted island, & could pick 1 person to go w/ you, would you pick the person you could really talk to, or the person who gave you the best sex of your life? If you say both, you are a whore.
I would pick my hubby, pingaling, cause he's both. (& yes, I am a whore.)
29)What is the biggest insult someone could tell you?
You can't bake worth a shit.
30)If you were/are a big dyke, who would wear the strap-on, you or you lover?
She would.
I'm tagging Pingaling, TreBlah, grumpyoldbastard, KreatinKaos, & transcendence
In other news, I quit smoking & am on my 5th day. I have passed the point where I want to kill myself & everyone around me.

and word on the street is, i DO make a cute zombie
ok i don't know how to link to an old entry so here are my 20:
well, i got tagged so here are my 20 things. i will try to make them at least somewhat interesting altho considering the subject matter that will be slightly difficult
1. i've smoked marlboro lights for the last ten years. but for about 5 of those i've exclusively ordered them online and now prefer the swiss blend and hate the american blend. which i find really amusing cus marlboro's like teh american-ness
2. i consider myself an anarchist but i don't do shit about it. i don't believe one has to preach their beliefs or try to change the world, i just know what's right for me.
3. i have a tattoo on the center of my back that i hate. luckily i can't see it so i can pretend it's not there, but the moral is kids: if you don't feel comfortable with who is tattooing you GET THE FUCK OUT!
4. i am deathly afraid of my birthday falling on a friday (the 13th). when i was little i had a fight with my 3 best friends at my birthday party, and on my 13th birthday (also a friday) i almost got stabbed. twice. otherwise the number 13 and friday the 13ths don't worry me at all.
5. i vary from extremely insecure to slightly vain with little in between. usually depends on whether or not i like my hair that day i guess
6. i dream of being a rock star but i don't even have a band.
7. i have a rather unhealthy obsession with anything related to Predator, Aliens, and the Matrix.
8. i own a lot of shoes for a boy
9. i dated someone for almost six years and she cheated on me while she was living in my house rent free
10. when i was little i had a stuffed animal hedgehog, but i couldn't say hedgehog, so his name was shosh.
and a day later i complete the list
11. i lived in 3 different countries by the time i was 13. born in england, spent 2 years in Dubai, UAE and moved to the US at 13.
12. i collect zippo lighters. i've collected them since even before i started smoking
13. i taught myself how to play guitar at 14 by listening to nirvana songs and strumming along - started a band - wrote a shitload of songs, and then sometime in the last few years just gave up because i'm frustrated at everything i write...
14. i find these lists extremely difficult to complete because i don't know the difference between "interesting stuff about me" and "what sounds like bragging"
15. i have really tiny nipples
16. i hold a pen really weird. people point it out all the time (yea thanks) - i put it down to the fact that my little brother almost died when i was born so i was shipped off to my grandparents' house and ignored for a lot of my early childhood, hence i had to teach myself how to write...
17. my father got caught in the mass downsizing of 1998 and being that we had no green cards/citizenship/"right" to live in the US - we had to move back to the UK. but instead i figured out a way to stay by getting sponsored by the Rotary Club as an international student to finish senior year of high school...
18. if i'm not really happy by the age of 27, i plan on killing myself...it's been my "plan" for about 10 years now, even though i know it's fucking retarded...
19. i own just about every piece of music that the now defunt band Terrorvision released. but as each year goes by, i realize a little more that although i love them, they're pretty awful
20. i hate vegetables...
[Edited on Jan 09, 2006 10:44PM]