Sorry I have'nt been on in a while, but I've been working 10 hour days, 6 days a week. I also got an early Chrismas gift, a rat I've named Katrina. This is my busiest time of year at work, so I spend longer & longer hours there. New Year's Eve will be a 24 hour day for me, I'll probably get a couple hours sleep in the hotel. (If I'm VERY lucky) I got to see snow for the 1st time last week. It made me realize just how for away from home I was. Sometimes I find it hard to get out of bed in the mornings. I feel like there's no point to anything, since my whole life was wiped out in a 24 hour period. Then I remember if I don't get up, my dogs don't get taken care of. Sometimes, they're the only reason I have to go on. I hope everyone has something like that in their lives.

When do you guys get to see each other?
Do you guys actually cook at home, or are you both so tired of cooking that you eat sandwhiches and cereal like Dorwayin?