Okay, I put up a pic of Biloxi before & put the after pics in my hurricane folder. The pics in the folder are of where my house was.
Today was my monday & it sucked. I'm going to drink a bottle of wine & go to bed. Love & kisses!

I'm a kidney and heart failure patient , which means I'm on a renal diet with an increased daily protien limit , no potasium allowed , and a 1000mg a day sodium limit , so I have no choice but to prepare all my own foods . The good thing is I can enjoy more of a variety of foods when I prepare everything myself , the sad part is I can allmost never go out to eat

holy fucking crap. you know, i heard so much about the hurricane, saw a lot on the news, etc., but it's pictures like that that really make that shit sink in. i'm sorry you had to experience that sort of devastation, i don't think i can possibly relate to what you went thru...