Just wondering................if Adam & Eve were really the first humans on earth, Adam some how created in God's image, and Eve some how created by a rib. then they were the only two beings on the planet - then they had a few kids, ok, now the only way for them to carry on the human race was for brother and sister to fuck. now wouldn't this insest create obvious severe mental retardation within 3 generations ???
i believe in evolution for just this simple reason, but for fun, here's my take on adam & eve.... - Aliens !!! we were evolving, very slowly, up to about caveman standards...all the sudden these aliens come down to check us out. and for some odd reason, they see our potential, and decide to cross breed us with themselves. the result, the first two new humans, in an on-going cross breeding program !!!
i believe in evolution for just this simple reason, but for fun, here's my take on adam & eve.... - Aliens !!! we were evolving, very slowly, up to about caveman standards...all the sudden these aliens come down to check us out. and for some odd reason, they see our potential, and decide to cross breed us with themselves. the result, the first two new humans, in an on-going cross breeding program !!!

Bitch! Whats up with the super scary photo?

Hall, you know what, I got your package today and it's so awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thanks x million times. I must go now, I must pack my stuff, going up north tonight. take care and talk to you soon. /ingy.