hey everyone, ok the 10 people who even stop by my little corner of S.G.
it's a boring thursday evening, but its almost friday !!!! my poor girlfriend LucyLynne got food poisoning last night
we ate at the same place but she got really sick. i hope she gets better soon because i hate when she doesn't feel good - it makes me sad. the holidays are coming way too fast, i guess i better finish up my x-mas shopping. if i was rich, i would buy all my S.G. friends a gift

Aouch, I HATE food poisoning. Hope she feels better and you guys can do something fun, or hot or sweet or nice, whatever. I will be doing nothing. Aaaa I wasn't able to go back north before this weekend, so now I'll be stuck here all alone for three days. And I really should clean the apartment, but it's hell-a boring.

Thanks! My new journal is all about the surface ha ha. Hopefully the package will get here fast! Thanks again!!!