It's funny, sad, and profoundly ironic that elected and law enforcement officials are stating that violence is not the answer, but it certainly was the answer for Office/ murders Wilson, and IS the answer for far too many law enforcement officers!
So why do THEY get to perpetrate violence against those they are sworn to protect and serve, but for use the supposed protected, violence...
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Words alone cannot do justice to the amount disgust I feel at the outcome of last Tuesdays' mid-term elections! The Republican Party has done so much damage to this country at all levels of society and has been so open about it, and yet, my fellow countryman STILL continue to vote for these ignorant, hateful, racist, misogynistic pigs! What does is say about our society...
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17 dead and 90 shot in the city of Chicago last weekend; why are we (Americans) at war with ourselves once again! And why are s0-called leaders doing anything to stem it? Could it be the color bar? If this level of violence were occurring on the North side of Chicago, would there be a different narrative/ response from lawmakers in Springfield/ Washington...
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Woohoo same-sex marriage can continue apace in one of the nation's most conservative states, Utah as the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals declines to issue a stay of last Friday's judgement striking down the same-sex marriage ban in the state!

Sleep has been elusive of late; my eyelids get heavy and I doze only to wake after only 30 -40 minutes of sleep. I wake and can't go back to sleep. Last night I go (2) hours. Lots of stress in my life right now, too much. Sometimes I wish I could just check out, go somewhere ethereal and chill for a month by myself...find...
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I do not often speak about current event herein, but today is different! Two days after 3 American lost their lives and another 150 were injured by another madman, the U.S. Senate vote on the background check proposal and voted it DOWN!! Today's failed vote was still an forgivable display of cowardice by those who voted against it and the will of the American people!!...
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