Peche-Mignon is @nutmeg's latest, lets show it some love!

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Thank you so much my love <3
@Nutmeg You are most welcome Sweetness! <3 <3





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Thank you! Hope you enjoyed your stay-at-home weekend :)
So far no complaints!

...these day days, like I am drifting through life watching myself slowly become meaningless. I struggle to be, to become so much more than I am, but I am hemmed in by obligations, responsibilities, relationships I long to shed like so much tattered clothing. II am struggling to fin my true meaning, my authentic self, my purpose, my calling.

Who am I? What am I...
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This lady @shorty made me smile deep in my soul! Go check out he latest set, it might me you smile as well!

Thank you so much! I'm very happy I could make you smile! I'm sorry you had another bad day, it'll get better. ♥
Girls are here to comfort you :)

I am in a strange place in my life right now, trying to figure some shit out. I am a caretaker; my spouse has Multiple Sclerosis (MS) and as the decease worsens I become more and more isolated because my life revolves around her and her needs. We have lived with MS for 15 years and it is finally taking a toll on every aspect...
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see if your are able to get some help in caring for her. an aide that can give you the time to step out of the roll of caretaker. try to reach out to family or other services in your area. we lost our mom in april. 3 of us were taking care of her. at the end of the day we were beat. i don't know where you are getting the strength to do by yourself. 
@tonni003z Thank you for the comment and kind words.  Unfortunately we are a bit isolated.  She is improving bit-by-bit, and this too shall pass. I am a worn and wery, but, at least I am still fit enough to work and take care of her. #MyLotInLife

Last week was one of the most trying and tiring I have lived through in quite some time! Here's hoping for some sanity in the coming week! Stay as beautiful as this little human!


I feel like a rough and beat to shit today. After I post this I am going to drag myself to the shower and then right into bed where my iPad is waiting ti entertain me until I (hopefully) plunge into a deep sleep and forget this day ever happened!