I do not often speak about current event herein, but today is different! Two days after 3 American lost their lives and another 150 were injured by another madman, the U.S. Senate vote on the background check proposal and voted it DOWN!! Today's failed vote was still an forgivable display of cowardice by those who voted against it and the will of the American people!!
What is it going to take for Republicans to put the American people ahead of corporations, money and flawed principle? Another 20 children dead, another 30, another 40, another 50? What will it take to finally get nationwide common-sense gun control on the books; does a madman in blue hair have to shot up a day care center filled with toddlers?!? No doubt that wouldn't even do it because the fucking NRA would advocate arming workers at day-care centers across the nation. HOW DO THIS MAKE ANY SENSE!?!

What is it going to take for Republicans to put the American people ahead of corporations, money and flawed principle? Another 20 children dead, another 30, another 40, another 50? What will it take to finally get nationwide common-sense gun control on the books; does a madman in blue hair have to shot up a day care center filled with toddlers?!? No doubt that wouldn't even do it because the fucking NRA would advocate arming workers at day-care centers across the nation. HOW DO THIS MAKE ANY SENSE!?!