How did we get to a place wherein 800,000 Americans and their FAMILIES are being held hostage to a madman's deranged rantings? How have WE allowed 800,000 human beings, our fellow citizens, to be disgraced and debased in this fashion? Pop-up food pantries; interest-free loans; medical care delayed; not enough money to pay for medicine; Coastguard personnel deploying without pay, leaving their families behind to...
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My #WCW is the beautiful (inside and out), hard to duplicate (and why would anyone want to to?) @pulp My Queen!
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Thank you @prettyneurotic for the invite to this little fact-finding trip. Above, me at Machu Picchu, Peru in 2017.
1. Do you like blue cheese? Oh yes, I love it sprinkled on to of salad, or I can eat it all by itself!
2. Coke or Pepsi? Diet Coke, but if I’m being honest, I prefer Dr. Pepper.
3. Do you own a gun? No,
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It’s half past midnight,
I can’t sleep
I am in pain,
The back of my knees are on fire,
they sear when I bend them
and I don’t know why.
My back, well that is a constant pain-point
a throbbing, ever present reminder
of my mortality.
I am in PAIN,
My heart is broken,
My heart is shattered, but still beats...
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How is this level of violence acceptable in a supposed Civilized Country?
Happy International Women's Day!! Women Rock!
There is a way to resolve the (gun) issue without violating the spirit of the 2nd Amendment while also saving lives. First, we need to come to a consensus as a society that semi-automatic weapons (long guns and handguns, alike), weapons (guns) of mass destruction, weapons built for the sole purpose of extinguishing human life, are not needed by ANY (private) citizen for self-defense. And...
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