A new poem, my first in way too long! It's called:
Eye Kissing
We gaze longingly
You and I
Me and thee.
We lock Iris's and
Eyelashes flutter,
Pupils hungers
Colors collide,
Souls sing as...
Our eyes kiss...
Eye Kissing
We gaze longingly
You and I
Me and thee.
We lock Iris's and
Eyelashes flutter,
Pupils hungers
Colors collide,
Souls sing as...
Our eyes kiss...
A lazy weekend spent doing almost nothing! I truly enjoy weekends like this where there is pressure to do nothing but watch old episodes of Star Trek Voyager! I should have been doing more, but I gave myself permission to just beBut tomorrow its back to work and back to the gym!
good weekend mine was great too
Glad to hear it!!
I should be in bed right; busy, early day tomorrow, but here I am midnight and I crusin' SG. At least the night is cool and quiet...
ha sg is an excellent procrastination tool : ] and thanks for the welcome back and the hoop praise, i've got a computer that doesn't hate me so it's a lot easier to socialize on here now ♥
Hopefully your computer will keep loving you so we can keep in touch!
My mind, my heart are a jumble of many things this afternoon; random thoughts and feelings; anger, envy, love, hate, exasperation!! I want to escape this life at this moment, this thin slice in time! I want to escape the modern world with its perfusion of muddled issues and live simply...I want to lull away the afternoon reading by the ocean and writing poetry, completely...
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Me too!! I grew up near the ocean, so being landlocked as it were is hard on the soul!
LOL Mom? I feel old now =P
Its late, or shall I say early (0:53) and I cant sleep, a hard on woke me up, so here I am in front of iMac listening to the classics (Hydan Symphony No. 38 in C Major at present) and read through AnnaLees old BLOG entires. She makes me smile, so sweet is her constance, so gentle and thoughtful her words, so colorful and relaxing...
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Thank you
Oh and yes I agree, AnnaLee writes the most amazing blogs!
Oh and yes I agree, AnnaLee writes the most amazing blogs!
Busy day today, started with a nice long leg workout, followed by breakfast at McDonalds; I tried the new egg white McMuffin; not too bad. Grocery shopping and then home for a nap (never took), Tweeted for 1.5 hours instead; that shit is addicting! Fried rice for lunch, the out for an afternoon of shopping and the dinner at ! BBQ in downtown Naperville, IL...
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I am thrilled that the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act was upheld by the U.S. Supreme Court, thrilled! I stand by the PPACA and have from the beginning because it is the right thing for the country and her citizens!! How could any civilized and "exceptional" nation turns its back on the legions of uninsured and underinsured in this country? Despite the GOP lies...
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Lol oh I'll just keep you all guessing about the panties
Gives me something to look forward to; perhaps one day!
The Big Blue Bug should be in every list of great photos from R.I. Just saying
Ha, that is a "Providence" thing!! However, because I aim to please:
Picture of, well me
Thanks! I can't wait to finish it!
Hope you shot me a finished picture when done!
I dont know why, but today Im in a weird mood. I started out the day being royally pissed at the world in general and Conservative Republicans specifically, but as the day wore on my mood got markedly better. But around mid-morning it dipped again, but now after having lunch with four lovely ladies, my mood is jubilant once again!
Lets hope this high can...
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Lets hope this high can...
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So, I was in the local grocery store this afternoon wearing my Health Care Reform Still a BFD (Big Fucking Deal) T-Shirt and the older gentleman in front of me read it and gives me a thumbs up. Needless to say we struck up a conversation and agreed that this election season had gone on way too long already, but that the fight was worth...
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lmao, I did like the movie. I agree about Kristen but she was okay in this. I loved how dark they made the story
I thoroughly enjoyed Charlize Theron, she was delicious, but Kristen stood around most of the movie with her mouth open uttering not a thing! Time for a review I think!