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- on simalia's blog post
- on Tell us about the last time you had sex... in sex talk
- on Doggy Style shots in ass appreciation
- on flame's photo
Last week was one of the most trying and tiring I have lived through in quite some time! Here's hoping for some sanity in the coming week! Stay as beautiful as this little human!
I feel like a rough and beat to shit today. After I post this I am going to drag myself to the shower and then right into bed where my iPad is waiting ti entertain me until I (hopefully) plunge into a deep sleep and forget this day ever happened!
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Words alone cannot do justice to the amount disgust I feel at the outcome of last Tuesdays' mid-term elections! The Republican Party has done so much damage to this country at all levels of society and has been so open about it, and yet, my fellow countryman STILL continue to vote for these ignorant, hateful, racist, misogynistic pigs! What does is say about our society...
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When is this madness going to end? And this is the middle of Sunday! WTF?
Another one of my favorite SG's!
17 dead and 90 shot in the city of Chicago last weekend; why are we (Americans) at war with ourselves once again! And why are s0-called leaders doing anything to stem it? Could it be the color bar? If this level of violence were occurring on the North side of Chicago, would there be a different narrative/ response from lawmakers in Springfield/ Washington...
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