Okay, so I've jumped on the youtube wagon, I'll try not to do too much.
And now for another edition of girlie gamer is me.
Since I've run out of things to actually play on my game systems (and still will not crack and get PS2 games) I've been forced to replay some existing games. The combo I've chosen: Halo, and Final Fantasy 8.
First for Halo;
It's actually very interesting, and very nice to play one-player halo, without all of the insanity that is multiplayer. Most of the people I know that play, do it online, and do it so they're too good for me to even try to play. It got frustrating and old, and I just got overloaded and hadn't touched the game in 2 years +
Then I got out the soundtrack and listened to it (yes, geek) and wanted to play through some of the levels again on my own. It's amazing how a game can feel like new after so long, I'm having a lot of fun playing through the missions, and look forward to some 2-player co-op with a certain Trevor at some point. The Truth and Reconciliation will go down.
Not much else to say, it's a game most people have played and its been done. I didn't like Halo2, though the campaign mode could be fun again too, I guess we'll see.
Now for FF8;
One of the first games I ever really played on PS1, it had a fun storyline full of Anime cheesiness, weird cut scenes, and all around goodness. If I ever do eventually finish my costume, I will be Quistis at some random anime event, not much of a cosplayer, but I think I could pull of Quisty okay. (In the SeeD outfit, not the orangey-browney-pinky thing she wears the rest of the game)
I picked up the players guide at work, for no other reason than the cards. I want to play some mean Triple Triad. I've noticed I have a thing for card games within a game, Pazaak would be the other one, from Knights of the old Republic, but Triple Triad was the first.
One thing Final Fantasy has always done is fantastic mini-games. The best had to be the Gold Saucer from 7, the chocobo racing and breeding is great
Chocobo Breeding, VG Cats style.
Anyway, I've been up to that basically. I adore having my little PS1 here to keep me company, too bad its getting hard to find new games for it, and they're wicked expensive when I do find them. They need some kind of portable SNES with screen and such, bring back the good-ole days. Man I miss real games.
Sexy mustard.
sill i might be. Im still breaking from parties dont ya know, a couple of beers doesnt exactly make me tipsy ^^.