Week 4 of my alcohol free diet and ya know, it's funny, but I really don't miss it at all...

Hired a personal trainer at the gym and he's kicking my ass, but in a good, motivational way. I've lost 10lbs and and noticed a big difference in my energy, mood and muscle tone, it hurts but it's worth it. smile

Picked up a bunch of...
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Blah Monday!

Busy at work, lots of peeple bitching about winter and the snow storm headed our way, should make the drive into work fun tomorrow...I am officially sick of winter.

Added some art yesterday in my pics section, forgot to mention it, so check it out if you feel like it.

Not much to say, I never do on Mondays...

My poor body hurts all over, this new workout regiment is painful, but it'll pay off in days to come, superhero bod and all. smile

Hit the gym early today, then went out for a big British brekkie at a nearby pub, mmmmm protein and apple juice.

Picked up Astonishing X-Men #8 yesterday, great series so far. After months of lack of X interest,...
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yesss, i am so into Astonishing X-Men. i really dig Warren Ellis' new Iron Man too.

is this getting you hot? tongue
Wow, sobriety is strange... Yep, I finally got serious and started a hardcore training regiment, no more booze for at least six weeks.....This coming from a guy who used to pound back a six pack just about every night. Now it's water and protein shakes, weird vitamins and very sore muscles... I've even cut down to 4-5 smokes a day.

I feel so squeaky clean...
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Fuck Wednesdays...

Fuck 5 day work weeks...

Fuck stupid people...

Fuck I'm a grump today...

Bed now.

The whole world can kiss my ass today... kiss

Off to bed with my grumpy ass...

Well, Happy Valentine's Day folks and to celebrate this commercially created, overpriced day of global love, I offer you this...

Be my Anti-Valentine

My wife, the goddess that she is, suggested that we do the whole V-Day thing this weekend when prices go back to normal... Yes, I am a lucky guy. smile

And with that happy little thought, off to the gym with me...

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Yet another quiet and relaxing weekend has come and gone, I'm so boring.

Aw well...Did some laundry, played with my pooch, hit my local comic store, drank a few beers and just got back from the gym.

Do I feel ready to tackle another week, nope.

Like I said... I'm boring.
