I've promised myself that I will reawaken my spiritual self this year...

There was a time that I had nothing but my spirituality while living on Six Nations... I miss those days of true sight, unblinded by money and the need to endlessly work for it.

I'm struggling to find a balance between my spiritual self and my professional self.

I miss chanting in the...
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it's hard to have any sense of self, spiritual or otherwise, when all you do is work i find
haha, awesome... what did you think of Batman Begins?
I loved it Drake, best Batman depiction on film so far and Bale nailed the ferousity of the Bat. They explained his gear and why it worked the way it did, which was very cool and they didn't make the film too campy which was also cool...

I really liked it a lot... You?
It's nights like tonight that I miss bonfires and a bit of Majick,

Loreena McKennitt always does it for me...

Wow, what a weird week, by the time friday came, it didn't feel like Friday... I'm all messed.

Aw well, one more week of workin' my butt off, then I gots a whole week off... Vacation time is good and much needed.

Burnout has officially set in.

Taking a Cemetary tour at Hamilton Cemetary tomorrow, then doing a pub lunch with friends, many pints I'm...
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As the owner of a loving and gentle pitbull who means the world to me...

This made me cry

Fight pitbull bans!
Why am I in such a mood lately?

Because I'm a little empathic and everyone has issues and I've been sponging negativity and it sucks...

That and I've been watching alot of Millennium (The DARKEST show ever) lately and longing for things gone by the by... Fuck, I gotta quit being so brooding.

I dunno, I'm being weird, but weird can be good sometimes...

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aw jeez... hang out with some happy folk, like me.
YUM...It's mine....Got it today, yay ebay!


Having no money when all my yummies came out sucked hardcore... So did being homeless and eating garbage...I WILL HAVE THEM ALL NOW! MWAAHAHA! wink

PS: Yup I really was homeless for a while and did eat garbage, It sucked and drove me to do better... I'm better now. smile
Crap... What a week his has been, why are short work weeks always so difficult?

Well, I thought I broke two toes on my left foot, after dropping a heavy piece of car inards on it Tuesday morning, I still think one may be...

It sucks having to power limp around my busy little work place and still hit the gym whilst being gibbled, but...
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