From me to you...

Have a super SpOoky Halloween!

Fuck today... mad
What was I doing?...What day is it?... Man I work too much.

Too many 12 hour days lately, an understaffed workplace is NOT GOOD.

I'm in this work, eat, sleep, work, eat, sleep mode and I'm not liking it at all... I'm tired and bitter... Grrr and stuff.

Anyhoo, new alias, since my regular Shade13 is taken by some imposter, I'm going with my own...
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Yes I know what you mean but I really love animals too and I dont eat meat or ever kill any of the specimens. Everything I have I have found dead of natural causes so I see it as a nice thing to bring them back to life even though it makes me sad to see them too. Thanks for the message about it. I must look up your band, I like a bit of horror punk skull

The Vertigo miniseries and soon to be made film is a story any animal lover will cry to (I did).

"A dog named Bandit, a cat named Tinker, and a rabbit named Pirate are ultimate cyborg assassins...

The Incredible Journey meets The Terminator in WE3 a heartbreaking animal adventure like no other. The eagerly awaited reunion of the white-hot team of Grant Morrison (JLA,...
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...and with a squint septum ring! tongue I abslutely loves the series we 3, I think its the only comic thats made me cry.
Wow, I went to Toronto for the first time in about two years on Saturday, can you say BUSY? I couldn't even enjoy Silver Snail Comics for the fact that I couldn't get to anything due to the amount of people milling about. But I did join Greenpeace while in TO and a lady begging for change gave me a nasty look when I only...
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It's funny what you can find at used CD shops...

My Ruin, Speak & Destroy signed by Terrie B. in gold ink.

Not bad for $11.99 smile