As the owner of a loving and gentle pitbull who means the world to me...

This made me cry

Fight pitbull bans!
Why am I in such a mood lately?

Because I'm a little empathic and everyone has issues and I've been sponging negativity and it sucks...

That and I've been watching alot of Millennium (The DARKEST show ever) lately and longing for things gone by the by... Fuck, I gotta quit being so brooding.

I dunno, I'm being weird, but weird can be good sometimes...

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aw jeez... hang out with some happy folk, like me.
YUM...It's mine....Got it today, yay ebay!


Having no money when all my yummies came out sucked hardcore... So did being homeless and eating garbage...I WILL HAVE THEM ALL NOW! MWAAHAHA! wink

PS: Yup I really was homeless for a while and did eat garbage, It sucked and drove me to do better... I'm better now. smile
Crap... What a week his has been, why are short work weeks always so difficult?

Well, I thought I broke two toes on my left foot, after dropping a heavy piece of car inards on it Tuesday morning, I still think one may be...

It sucks having to power limp around my busy little work place and still hit the gym whilst being gibbled, but...
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Week 4 of my alcohol free diet and ya know, it's funny, but I really don't miss it at all...

Hired a personal trainer at the gym and he's kicking my ass, but in a good, motivational way. I've lost 10lbs and and noticed a big difference in my energy, mood and muscle tone, it hurts but it's worth it. smile

Picked up a bunch of...
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Blah Monday!

Busy at work, lots of peeple bitching about winter and the snow storm headed our way, should make the drive into work fun tomorrow...I am officially sick of winter.

Added some art yesterday in my pics section, forgot to mention it, so check it out if you feel like it.

Not much to say, I never do on Mondays...

My poor body hurts all over, this new workout regiment is painful, but it'll pay off in days to come, superhero bod and all. smile

Hit the gym early today, then went out for a big British brekkie at a nearby pub, mmmmm protein and apple juice.

Picked up Astonishing X-Men #8 yesterday, great series so far. After months of lack of X interest,...
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yesss, i am so into Astonishing X-Men. i really dig Warren Ellis' new Iron Man too.

is this getting you hot? tongue