OK, April Fools jokes suck. My girlfriend just played a really mean one on me. She made me believe she was pregnant all day without actually saying anything. First she brings up the whole morning sickness routine. How she wasn't feeling well for a few days. Then later she tells me how she went to the doctor. Then a few minutes ago she tells me she has something to talk to me about, makes me believe she's pregnant and then after I ask, she tells me she is. So I drop everything, and I start trying to figure this whole situation out with her. Within a few minutes she says "April Fools!" So now I feel the fool and I'm planning my revenge. Any ideas?

How about just assert to her dramatic dominance and take a bow...and than forgive her cause she is so cute?

Every year I forget about April Fools Day until a few hours before and by then I am out of time to plan something spectacular. That joke sounds a bit on the harsh side. But perhaps you can pretend to be pregnant next year?
Bah, I dunno!