Ok was checking out some boards and came across this wisdom.
TheLastBoss said:
So anyway... why do girls prefer assholes over nice guys?
The answer is simple. Because when a nice guy is nice to a girl, he is not doing anything special for her. He would be nice to any girl. When he treats her with respect and affection on their first date, he is sending her the signal that even though he doesn't know her all that well, he would be willing to settle down with her. He wears his heart on his sleeve and in some small way is giving it to her already. Whether it is true or not, it will seem that way to the girl. And that makes his niceness appear less special; perhaps even false.
On the other hand, if a guy appears aloof and insensitive, and yet still charming somehow, a girl will be interested in him because he is a complex mystery. When he finally does show her the slightest hint of affection, or gives her a thoughtful gesture, it will seem so much more special than a nice guy's thoughtful gesture. Because the "asshole" is making an exception for the girl. He wouldn't ever do that for anyone but her. This makes her feel unique, and even feels as if she has conquered a wild beast.
I must now endeavor to become an asshole. hehe
Now on for some strange thoughts and questions....
I'm really disappointed in humanity as a whole now. Why do people will lie to others as well as themselves. Is a delusional state of being more comforting than truth? Is it necessary to hide yourself? Would you rather be loved for who you're pretending to be or for who you are? Are the friends you make as this fictional character you've created really your friends?