I haven't posted in a while and I have a few minutes while I'm at work, so I figured I'd have at it and let everyone know what's been going on in my life. Where to start? The gather was incredible and I'm already planning on going to the next one in august. After I came back from this one, I broke up with my...
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I'm Back!!!
The pagan Gathering of the Tribes was awesome. I did absolutely nothing! Hehe. I meant to do some of the workshops, but I was enjoying my time in the woods too much to bother devoting any time at a workshop. I got to cook great food, hang out with some great people, laugh until my eyes teared up, watch women dance around a...
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The pagan Gathering of the Tribes was awesome. I did absolutely nothing! Hehe. I meant to do some of the workshops, but I was enjoying my time in the woods too much to bother devoting any time at a workshop. I got to cook great food, hang out with some great people, laugh until my eyes teared up, watch women dance around a...
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fucking awesome tattoo dude!!!
my new boy is wiccan (and part vampire) and is gonna start teaching me soon. i'm definatly gonna reccommend the gathering to him. spanx.

my new boy is wiccan (and part vampire) and is gonna start teaching me soon. i'm definatly gonna reccommend the gathering to him. spanx.
I almost saw your butt! Im glad you had fun at the thingy. Russell might be down here doing a guest spot tattooing in pasedena if you want more work. Ill keep you posted.
Finally I'll be getting some new ink soon. Stopping by tattooed heart on my way home to compare notes with johnny love, the owner operator. He has some kick ass sketches for me to go over with him. If all works out well, I'll have my 4th tattoo in the next couple of weeks. For those that know me, it'll be another dragon, I've decided...
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thank you, dear.
thank you for the bday wishes!!

So I was reading an article today on strange things men and women find attractive about their significant others. Like men like a little padding on women, which I can agree on, the whole hourglass figure is very appealing. Then on men, women find hairy chests attractive. So my question for anyone who reads this is if you're attracted to men, do ya like hairy...
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i do like hairy chests... but not wooly mammoth types! hehe.
I dig bald heads.... and nice eyes.
I dig bald heads.... and nice eyes.
I like the tummys. You have seen my big boy. Yummy!
Haven't been able to update lately, that's a lie kinda. I haven't had much to say. My job keeps me pretty busy and I only have 10 hours a day to myself now, take time out to sleep and its only 4 hours. So here I am at work, updating from my phone, why, because I can.
Anyways now for my update. May 25-29 is...
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*laughs* no worries babe, I understand the not updating/talking to people online because of work/school/other obligations thing... trust me!
I'm so envious of you getting to go to the Spring Gathering of the Tribes... the only cool things I'm doing this summer are going to a Jewel concert and potentially hunting down my biological father... *laughs*
Stay in touch babe and keep on keepin' on!
I'm so envious of you getting to go to the Spring Gathering of the Tribes... the only cool things I'm doing this summer are going to a Jewel concert and potentially hunting down my biological father... *laughs*
Stay in touch babe and keep on keepin' on!


So a few days ago my girlfriend wrote a rather interesting poem about me. I dig it, though it causes me to blush at times. Since working at NASA has me all tired out and unable to think of anything of my own to say aside from "Oi! I'm effin tired", I'll just post this great poem she wrote instead.
Fetish Fiend
In the...
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Fetish Fiend
In the...
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Work's been keeping my ass pretty busy lately too! Hopefully you'll be able to bring your woman out to karaoke with you sometime.
where ya at?
i know, you're busy and tired from work.....
be creative and give me a better excuse!
i know, you're busy and tired from work.....
be creative and give me a better excuse!

OK, April Fools jokes suck. My girlfriend just played a really mean one on me. She made me believe she was pregnant all day without actually saying anything. First she brings up the whole morning sickness routine. How she wasn't feeling well for a few days. Then later she tells me how she went to the doctor. Then a few minutes ago she tells me...
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How about just assert to her dramatic dominance and take a bow...and than forgive her cause she is so cute?

Every year I forget about April Fools Day until a few hours before and by then I am out of time to plan something spectacular. That joke sounds a bit on the harsh side. But perhaps you can pretend to be pregnant next year?
Bah, I dunno!

This just in....I've officially been offered a job at NASA. Not a good time to be an astronaut.
Tell me how twisted and weird that is. For my next trick, I will pull a rabbit out of my ass and then when I'm old enough, run for president.

Do it, you're way sexier than Bush so you totally have my vote!

What a fun weekend. A wondeful friend came to visit with me this weekend and cheer me up. In essence, we had a great time. Went out to eat a bit, saw V for vendetta, and did a whole lot of needed cuddling. For those that haven't seen V for vendetta yet, I'd say it was ok. Wasn't great, I expected a bit more, but...
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Well, now I'm hungry, damn you! hehe. Sounds like an amazing weekend, there! Rock on!
NASA?? EEP! Good luck!
Oh, and we could use someone like you in a government position!
NASA?? EEP! Good luck!
Oh, and we could use someone like you in a government position!
haha, exactly! our poor friends!
What a weekend so far....Did an interview Saturday morning last minute in DC. then had to run to Forest hills for my nephews birthday and then had to run to Baltimore for my friend Amy's birthday.
Interview was basic, nothing special, I'll probably stick with the job I have unless they offer me some big bucks.
My nephew's birthday went pretty well. Got to see...
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Interview was basic, nothing special, I'll probably stick with the job I have unless they offer me some big bucks.
My nephew's birthday went pretty well. Got to see...
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how many places can you be at one weekend? hehe. sounds like quite a busy schedule!
bugs of any kind in the house freak me out! i'm with ya on this one!
bugs of any kind in the house freak me out! i'm with ya on this one!
Feeling better. Thanks.
you have a really good artist. congrats.
...and sorry bout your girl. *insert stupid relationship quote*