I have just finished reading issue zero of Grant Morrison's Seven Soldiers. I am happy. All is well.
More Blogs
Monday Sep 06, 2010
So here's the trouble. Here's the thing I don't know how to deal with… -
Wednesday Aug 25, 2010
I was going to do a post about the nature of depression, and the role… -
Tuesday Aug 24, 2010
I hate being someone that someone else is trying to forget forever. -
Wednesday Jan 13, 2010
God, it's like I'm never on here. So. Got the final cover for my n… -
Monday Oct 06, 2008
I finished my line edits tonight. We're deep into the "nonglamorous" … -
Saturday Sep 06, 2008
One year. There are still revisions being done, still marketing stuff… -
Tuesday May 27, 2008
Well, I finished the first draft of the book. Hooray. It's off to my … -
Sunday May 11, 2008
Complicated days. At the very end of the book, and it just keeps unfo… -
Wednesday Mar 19, 2008
Trying to get the blog back together on here. I sold the book, some m… -
Monday Aug 06, 2007
So my bibliography so far: "A Walking of Crows" Electric Velociped…
Klarion is the best book in the series so far...