Hey all. sooooo much going on. I had hoped to have a few pics to show you, but alas, I am tired and lazy.
So a week or less untill I leave for 5 months, wierd feeling. I'm getting excited and anxious about it. I have been poking around in SG BOSTON a bit. holy fuck they are helpful! I'm trying to find a place to live in a hurry, and they are a big help!
so what else to say. The Shabby Shack has a hot tub! so there will be a welcome back Shabby event prolly in end of Jan. and the hot tub will be in use!
The Mohawk is gone. sadly. it had to go. I had to get all respectible again before I got shipped out for the job. I'll post a pic. and the hawk should be back at the welcome back party.
I bought a new car. A few of you know how much I love my Civic, and a few more may know how much I Hate big cars, but alas, I will be driving alot and hauling body parts, and tombstones, and blood, and christmas tree's around and the civic just wasn't gonna cut it. and there is still a hole in the engine. I haven't had the chance to put the new engine in. so I Bought a honda passport, it's an Isuzu Rodeo, with Honda stickers on it. I like it lots. It's a 98, Black, Leather (sorry Clyde), moon roof, etc. I love it.
This one isn't mine, I told ya I was being lazy, but it'll give ya an idea, just imagine it in black
Well, got an IRL race tomorrow, heh heh Malborogh still thinks I'm a smoker. I'm actually bringing one this year! LOL and I gotta work on Sunday ick. I have no idea when I'm gonna get a chance to pack, clean and in general get reay to the "move" and I still gotta find a place to live. with me luck. I'll miss you all a ton...
So a week or less untill I leave for 5 months, wierd feeling. I'm getting excited and anxious about it. I have been poking around in SG BOSTON a bit. holy fuck they are helpful! I'm trying to find a place to live in a hurry, and they are a big help!
so what else to say. The Shabby Shack has a hot tub! so there will be a welcome back Shabby event prolly in end of Jan. and the hot tub will be in use!
The Mohawk is gone. sadly. it had to go. I had to get all respectible again before I got shipped out for the job. I'll post a pic. and the hawk should be back at the welcome back party.
I bought a new car. A few of you know how much I love my Civic, and a few more may know how much I Hate big cars, but alas, I will be driving alot and hauling body parts, and tombstones, and blood, and christmas tree's around and the civic just wasn't gonna cut it. and there is still a hole in the engine. I haven't had the chance to put the new engine in. so I Bought a honda passport, it's an Isuzu Rodeo, with Honda stickers on it. I like it lots. It's a 98, Black, Leather (sorry Clyde), moon roof, etc. I love it.
This one isn't mine, I told ya I was being lazy, but it'll give ya an idea, just imagine it in black
Well, got an IRL race tomorrow, heh heh Malborogh still thinks I'm a smoker. I'm actually bringing one this year! LOL and I gotta work on Sunday ick. I have no idea when I'm gonna get a chance to pack, clean and in general get reay to the "move" and I still gotta find a place to live. with me luck. I'll miss you all a ton...
yaay im glad you are coming to Boston. Although, I am leaving Boston at the end of this month. I'm taking a road trip and ending up in Cali for a while. Which means, we must hang out before then. its been years since i've seen you!
Body parts and Christmas tress, eh? My kind of party!