Sorry I haven't had a whole lotta time to update and such. been busy as all fuck. *Sigh* When am I not.
So Thanxgiving went very well. Thanx you to all who showed up, and to those who wanted to. It did kinda suck that I had to go to bed soooo damn early, but the new job demended. it demands alot, but I knew that going into it. after the holidays I might actually exist as a human being again. Kinda sucked that I couldn't hang out with Panzer, of Christa all weekend either, but Shelly wass cool like that and flew to their rescue when I was a sucky friend..... YEA Sullen....
So I kinda got fired yesterday. from the old job. I called a couple of people and found out that on the account I worked, it's kinda the "Norm". kinda fucked up I think. why couldn't they just let me work out my two weeks. I coulda used the extra money till the new jobs paycheck started. oh well, fuckem.
I'm such a loser, I have my only day off this week and I'm gonna help another Sales Manager in my old store get ready for his audit. He failed his last one. and since he rocks, I'm gonna help him out so he doesn't lose his job. but I'm still a loser.... LOL oh welll. gotta help my friends.
I was SOOOOOOO hoping to be able to go to Vegas in Jan, but it's not gonna happen.
this makes me sad. No money, no time. Damn Bullshit.
Oh well. you kids have fun.
Lurves ya all and miss ya like hell.....
So Thanxgiving went very well. Thanx you to all who showed up, and to those who wanted to. It did kinda suck that I had to go to bed soooo damn early, but the new job demended. it demands alot, but I knew that going into it. after the holidays I might actually exist as a human being again. Kinda sucked that I couldn't hang out with Panzer, of Christa all weekend either, but Shelly wass cool like that and flew to their rescue when I was a sucky friend..... YEA Sullen....
So I kinda got fired yesterday. from the old job. I called a couple of people and found out that on the account I worked, it's kinda the "Norm". kinda fucked up I think. why couldn't they just let me work out my two weeks. I coulda used the extra money till the new jobs paycheck started. oh well, fuckem.
I'm such a loser, I have my only day off this week and I'm gonna help another Sales Manager in my old store get ready for his audit. He failed his last one. and since he rocks, I'm gonna help him out so he doesn't lose his job. but I'm still a loser.... LOL oh welll. gotta help my friends.
I was SOOOOOOO hoping to be able to go to Vegas in Jan, but it's not gonna happen.

Oh well. you kids have fun.
Lurves ya all and miss ya like hell.....
I wish I could have made it to Thanxgivin but work aka hell didn't permit it. Glad that won't ever happen again.

miss ya shabby, dont work yourself too hard man!