So time for another update!
Thanxgiving update!
Uh, not much to report, we will have a band playing acustic, fun stuff, I haven't bought a turkey yet, we have a Vegatarian main dish picked and it is fukkin great (Adam already made it to try it) YUM! and I have NO time to clean my house, but somehow it will be done! UGH! I havee to work at 4am the day after Thanxgiving too.... SUCK... but more on that later!
House Update!
We are working like mad to get alot done be thanxgiving LIKE!.......
when stripped, we found the cause of the leaking flat top roof. BIG HOLE! But we fixed it, and covered all with plywood.
This is with the ply down, drip edge on, and rubber almost ready to glue down, it really wasn't all that bad. and it stays dry in the back room now, which ROCKS! the first time in TWO YEARS! WHOA!
I put on the second layer of wood for the Licker Table, and then the top formica. it looks nice..
Also Formica'd the top of the other little table thingy, gonna finish it and SOMETIME paint it to match the cabinets!
Also I think I'm gonna keep it where you see it, because SOMEDAY I'm gonna build a pantry where it used to be.....
a tiled backsplash! OMFG IT LOOKS HOT!!!!!!!
I layed it myself! I know, I rock!
SO! what do you think?
so I don't put a whole lot of personal shit on SG, cause, well...... I just don't, *SHRUGS*
So I have kinda been in a MEH attitude and being that way with work. Hating it for no damn good reason. its a good job, GREAT company, and hell I get to do what I want, when I want. but for some reason it's just not what I want anymore.... and the pay is eh.....
BUT NOW I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!! I'm a slaes manager for a major computer store..... again.....
I traded total slacking, great hours and lowish pay, for HIGH STRESS, LONG ASS HOURS, and pretty decent damn pay..... why? hell I dunno, but it's what I feel like I wanna do for now, so I'm happy.... wish me luck.... I'll need it...
I think it's a good opportunity...... I hope....
well I have to get ready to drive to pittsburg, might go see DRAMA and be bored outa my skull for work till friday.... then get back start my job work a ton and find SOME time to clean and cook....
can't wait to see you guys (and gals)
Thanxgiving update!
Uh, not much to report, we will have a band playing acustic, fun stuff, I haven't bought a turkey yet, we have a Vegatarian main dish picked and it is fukkin great (Adam already made it to try it) YUM! and I have NO time to clean my house, but somehow it will be done! UGH! I havee to work at 4am the day after Thanxgiving too.... SUCK... but more on that later!
House Update!
We are working like mad to get alot done be thanxgiving LIKE!.......

when stripped, we found the cause of the leaking flat top roof. BIG HOLE! But we fixed it, and covered all with plywood.

This is with the ply down, drip edge on, and rubber almost ready to glue down, it really wasn't all that bad. and it stays dry in the back room now, which ROCKS! the first time in TWO YEARS! WHOA!
I put on the second layer of wood for the Licker Table, and then the top formica. it looks nice..

Also Formica'd the top of the other little table thingy, gonna finish it and SOMETIME paint it to match the cabinets!

a tiled backsplash! OMFG IT LOOKS HOT!!!!!!!

SO! what do you think?
so I don't put a whole lot of personal shit on SG, cause, well...... I just don't, *SHRUGS*
So I have kinda been in a MEH attitude and being that way with work. Hating it for no damn good reason. its a good job, GREAT company, and hell I get to do what I want, when I want. but for some reason it's just not what I want anymore.... and the pay is eh.....
BUT NOW I HAVE A NEW JOB!!!!! I'm a slaes manager for a major computer store..... again.....
I traded total slacking, great hours and lowish pay, for HIGH STRESS, LONG ASS HOURS, and pretty decent damn pay..... why? hell I dunno, but it's what I feel like I wanna do for now, so I'm happy.... wish me luck.... I'll need it...
I think it's a good opportunity...... I hope....

well I have to get ready to drive to pittsburg, might go see DRAMA and be bored outa my skull for work till friday.... then get back start my job work a ton and find SOME time to clean and cook....
can't wait to see you guys (and gals)
So, you still gonna want a hand re-framing out the walls in the back room?
Good luck and congrats on the job!
Enjoy T-day; I'm not gonna have the girl like I thought so may wander by; if I do I'll try and bring something tasty to share
You get your bike stored for the winter?