well i just got it cut and we flipped it out...and just put some hair junk in it, my hair stylest is wonderful...i love it! you can steal my look i dont mind hahaha!
i dont know what him and i are gonna do our 10 month ann. is the day before...hmmmmmmm any ideas that i could do for him that are free or darn cheep?
so one of my gal pals took a complete stranger (guy) home. i guess i got a little worried at first because there are weirdos out there ya know.....i guess people i've been with were never complete strangers. have you girls actually taken a stranger to your place?? do you feel 100% safe?
i have the traveling bug really bad......what's some of your favorite travel spots??? i love arizona.....i hope to see the slot canyons some time......
On new years, I went to a friend's house, then went to a friend of my friend's house then went to a club where i got extremely bored and tired around 3am but was stuck there with my friends until 6am...
And as for my album pics, I realized posting them would require opening and resizing them. I've got better things to do than that!!
are alot of you cool with your ex's??? i think one of my gal pals still wants her ex from like 10 yrs ago!!! i guess some are hard to let go of but come on.....
The answer must be when I was about 10 or 11 years old and my older cousin was taking a French class... her family also hosted a French girl for about a month or two one summer and they are still in contact and have gone to visit her.
so my good fuck friend (female) is hinting that she wants to get with another girl. that would be totally awesome but she says i cant be apart of it, let alone watch!! now that's cruel. are any of you girls bi?? or anyone of you've been in a threesome?? i always think of that seinfeld episode when jerry he says you'll never be the... Read More
finally my day off........went sledding.....i'm surprised i didn't shit my pants going backwards......kinda tired of people bitching about the weather......the weather is what it is....if it's going to be cold at least have snow.....
peep, i got the shirt made at a little kiosk at a mall here, but theres all sorts of places online that make shirts,just not cheaply.boo for you.
your shirt idea is funny too. bye bye then
i want macromedia flash soooo bad......schools not offering official classes until next year i know i know......i can learn it on my own....how's everybody doing???
i dont know what him and i are gonna do our 10 month ann. is the day before...hmmmmmmm any ideas that i could do for him that are free or darn cheep?