ever wonder if you make your partner happy? now ever wonder if the reason there not happy is because your not right in the head? I have severe PTSD. it makes me do weird and stupid things sometimes. I never liked who I was as soon as I came home from combat. I didn't seek help until 4 years later. I'm not suicidal or homicidal. I don't freak out at people and i'm rather call and collected. i'm not a hunter but I have no problem killing another huan being if I have to, only if I have to. if that person attacks or tries to rape or molest what has become or is my family I will take there life like it was my job. no tears, no fears, no nightmares............
I am worried that after 10 years of dealing with my issues she can no longer handle me. that I have past my crazy date a while ago and that with everything else in her life I might be the one thing making her worse rather than better. I asked her...... she does not know if i'm right or not. that makes me worry more. there is a chance I might be right. i'm 30 years old and a disabled vet. who else in this world would even give me the time of day. besides that we are doing a separation and I don't even have good people outside of ones I don't want to talk about this stuff with to talk to. who do I turn to for help when i'm driving myself mad? I don't know what to do and could use some real help on this one. please don't just ignore me. it will just make me more alone on this.
I am worried that after 10 years of dealing with my issues she can no longer handle me. that I have past my crazy date a while ago and that with everything else in her life I might be the one thing making her worse rather than better. I asked her...... she does not know if i'm right or not. that makes me worry more. there is a chance I might be right. i'm 30 years old and a disabled vet. who else in this world would even give me the time of day. besides that we are doing a separation and I don't even have good people outside of ones I don't want to talk about this stuff with to talk to. who do I turn to for help when i'm driving myself mad? I don't know what to do and could use some real help on this one. please don't just ignore me. it will just make me more alone on this.
Certain changes and help can be found within yourself. .. no one can fix you but you hun. You need to find what's truly important. . What motivates you to get through it and be better.. if not for yourself then for her... I have anxiety and depression.. I let go of a long term relationship... life is tricky. . But it's all in how you deal, the people you keep close and enjoying the wonderful things or finding them.. have faith and hope things have a funny way of working out and sometimes we are own worst enemy.... be easy on yourself. . 

I feel that I need to let go of the long tem and work on the now and soon to come. I want her so bad but if I ake her misrible than whats the point of me trying to fight for something that may only last a little longer before I ruin her. I just want her happiness right now. my happiness will come over years of me working and sticking with the hel I have sought. thank you all for the kind words ans encouragement