I'm sure they have done it in the past and I may have just missed anything recent but I want a traditional style pinup and classic car calendar to go in my shop. I can get one anywhere I know but I want one from sg. There is a unique set of talent here (meaning some of the most gorgous women in the world) that would make me very happy. I thought about trying to do it myself but since I just thought of doing it it would be anywhere from march to July before it was done and that's no good for this year. I don't know, any ideas. I know very few read my blog but spread the word and maybe get it out there. I know I would buy atleast three every year so there's a market for it and all the sg fans out there there's gotta be some other perfesionals out there that would hang one in there shop or have a car to use in it. I know I would be proud to have a sexy women draped across my 2011 challenger. Let me know what you think and I'm open to ideas

I wish I knoew if they were doing something like that.. if i hear anything I will let you know 

i love this black car
thanks for your lovely comments