How many dates does it take?
1, 2, 3? How many dates do you think you should go before doing the deed?
Isn't it better to get it over with so you know if it is even worth taking any further?
I wait. I'm not a tease, but I wait. I don't set a time limit.

I see no need to. I spend the first date getting to know someone smile And the second date.. and so on.
...A little archaic, but it's always worked for me. Plus, building the anticipation up is always more fun.
I figure that upon meeting me you generally get a feel- although, it's certainly fun to spring surprises on people.

If someone doesn't meet the "Kink Factor" it's easily remedied. Most people are not exactly fetishists, but still have interests in borders they haven't crossed before. Generally, because these interests are seen as taboo, said gentleman who are not apt to participate in those unsavory activities, are just too scared to admit their likes/dislikes.

It's all about making someone comfortable with what they want. Thus, the waiting. I can't have the kind of fun I'm into unless I trust someone. kiss
Fuck a Taxi!
So i almost got run over today in the bike lane on my skateboard by a fucking taxi.
I fucked my ankle up but it isn't anything major.
Why are cab drives all insane?
If cab drivers weren't insane, we'd miss viable opportunities to participate in our own personal Frogger remake. Additonally, the vast supply of organs harvested from those who are casualties of said Cab Drivers save lives. Thus, by elimnating mental illness in Cab employees, we're hurting more than ourselves- we're disregarding the chance to provide valuable services to those waiting on the Donor List.

True story.
So if you are wanting to go see Spiderman 3, don't. Instead, stay home, Put on Passions, that really shity day time soap on NBC, then in the distance, put on Spiderman 2. Also, turn the radio on. This way you will have 3 stories on and nothing connects. You will have shity plots from the soap, then shitty singing from the radio. Then there...
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Yeah, I was pretty disappointed with it too. I know my heart is further going to be broken when Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer finally comes out too.

They have Laurence Fishborne doing the voice of Galactis. They're mum about Galactis even being in it. Boooo. I gave up on comic-book based movies after The Punisher really broke my heart. Destroyed my favorite comic in the world.

I'm going to waste some money on 28 Weeks Later and Shrek 3.

Though.. MJ getting pimp-slapped was pretty awesome. Too bad it was by Emo Spidey blackeyed

So for some reason my brother and I decided to tear down a wall in our apartment. What were we thinking!?
So for the next 2 or 3 weeks, we are going to play handyman, creating a new closet and room for a new, smaller hot water heater! Thank god I watched "This Old House" when i was a kid!

ooo aaa
What can I say? how does one introduce himself to the most beautiful women in the world?

Haha, nice blog biggrin