So I went to my ADTP evaluation in which I thought it was for a medical but it turned out to be another VA shrink. Well this was a lady in which I prefer ladies, I feel more comfortable talking with them for some reason. So she gave me a choice to change my shrink appts to deal with her. So I said go for it. I had an hour and a half appointment with her and we didn't get close to finishing so next Wednesday we have another appt. to finish up.
SPCA tomorrow and this time I'm taking my camera to take pictures of the dio looking pup smile
While feeling blah blah
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So I went to my ADTP evaluation in which I thought it was for a medical but it turned out to be another VA shrink. Well this was a lady in which I prefer ladies, I feel more comfortable talking with them for some reason. So she gave me a choice to change my shrink appts to deal with her. So I said go for it. I had an hour and a half appointment with her and we didn't get close to finishing so next Wednesday we have another appt. to finish up.
SPCA tomorrow and this time I'm taking my camera to take pictures of the dio looking pup smile
While feeling blah blah
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Maybe someday I'll actually take a picture of it, so people can see it.