Saturday December 3, 2005 - 9:15 PM
Dealing with the Devil
I sold my soul to Dodge today. They own me, but my new truck is really nice! Hope this all works out. They wouldn't let me keep my old one so I traded it in and got an almost identical truck only white. That's cool, my old truck was whaite and it matches my trailer now. But man I took a big hit! I didn't have much of a choice though if I'm moving to Canada
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Dealing with the Devil
I sold my soul to Dodge today. They own me, but my new truck is really nice! Hope this all works out. They wouldn't let me keep my old one so I traded it in and got an almost identical truck only white. That's cool, my old truck was whaite and it matches my trailer now. But man I took a big hit! I didn't have much of a choice though if I'm moving to Canada
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so canada? wow. that's awesome. i want to live in canada so badly. but i think that's cause i'm a little bit queer. i couldn't be patriotic if i tried. but i totally respect it because it's something so beyond me.
it's good to be in an optimistic space about the move. are you sure you're in a good space to go back into the thick of things though? are you talking about going back to combat or just being an analyst? cause the ptsd is a bitch whore bastard and it can catch you i hate to say. (i should long descent all centered around trying to be like "okay...i can go to a club and if he's there i can stay. i'm strong an hour later i can barely walk or stand up or breathe and i'm being half carried out the door. oops. not ready. even after two doses of ativan) you need to be VERY sure and VERY centered that you have properly and adequately dealt with those things or else you're just going to be dwelling seventh layer of hell style like me.
but what do i know i'm just crazy...
i hope everything goes well for you and the move goes nicely and you get to see friends and family and get all these things squared away and started anew. it's great to have such an opportunity to start over.
big big big supportive hugs.
and yeah i'm really sorry. i'm trying my darndest to stay this side of the shame spiral and this side of the hospital doors. here's hoping
anyways, just saying hello