I don't know what I was talking about in that last one. I was pretty intoxicated, please disregard wink
My entries are random here. They are for a reason, to protect my anonymity. I dont like being know in the real world by anyone. Not my brother not my mother not my friend. So leave it at that and dont bother me
a little mad? mad

well i am not sure why one would even post on a blog if they wanted to be left alone....

but her this is the land of the free right....do say what you want....

have a great time skull
I can't just leave you alonefrown

Kisses kiss kiss
If you wear glasses you probably have my attention. It's my fetish, my quirk, my fantasy. It's what does it for me. Why? I don't F'n know. I've been on something latley. A bad trip? A score, a blessing in disguise? A bender? I don't know but I'm on it I've been in a haze for days. Time to get off this bad dream and...
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He just shook his head

So last night was cool, Amber and I danced our asses off at liquid lounge. I almost got in a fight, yea so I had a bottle of Corona and I left it at the bar, well I come back and it's gone so I look around and there is this guy that has it upside down on his finger....
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You still alive soldier? confused

Kisses kiss kiss
confused confused i dont' wamt?
Friday February 24, 2006 - 1:24 AM

Fuck me I'm an idiot. I'm sleeping because I have to work graveyard tonight. I get a phone call at about 1900, on the other end I hear sobs and it's Mikail. I ask her what's wrong and she says "Everything I'm coming over" I answer the door to a very upset girl. Someone stole $200.00 dollars...
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hey hey tongue

So I go to work today, Im sick as shit puke I think I have food poisoning or something. I get there and I get Maria to drive me to the drugstore so I can get some gravol so I dont puke at work. Its like 5 minuets down the street, Marlean (my supervisor) calls me on my cell and is livid. Turn around...
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Ok I don't come here enough. I mean I have an online journal that I write in religiously everyday sometimes several times a day. I feel I'm leaving SG out whatever I mean I have not kept this up to date. ThAt profile isn't even me anymore. Would anyone like me to update this one regularly too.?

Use this referall link into my world. I don't...
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hey hey...

sorry so long...

i wasn't sure if you had something on your mind you wanted to talk about on message or just here was okay.

i have SWAMPED at work. fucking buried. insanity. like i get to find out when i work LESS THAN A DAY in advance and i have been called in on most my days off. needless to say, i have been practicing my assertiveness training at work just to keep my dignity. i have too many bosses. it sucks.

so anywho i haven't had time to comment back to lots of people so basically it's like if you want to hear from me, comment to me. i won't update without commenting back to everyone i have heard from. unless it's like a big deal i just have to update kind of thing.

but yeah. you don't have to say much. just a "meh" or a smiley and i'll be sure to check back. i have to do something. because i have no time.

well i'd say i am sorry to see the amber thing fall through but i dunno it sounds like it's good that you have moved on.

wow you really take a lot of substances. omg. like i try to limit myself just to the ones i'm prescribed. but that's because i like not having flashbacks all the time. and i like having a liver. damn i almost lost mine on the alcohol...past mistakes plus meds plus alcohol equals dead liver. luckily it's the only organ that really heals itself well. or so they say...

how do you know what mixes well? or is it just a trial and error sort of thing? i'm intrigued.

i know NOTHING about raves. zero. nada. zip. i have been to one thing that was "technically" a rave but since it was at a bar i don't really consider it a rave. although that bar was then shut down over drug violations and one of the guys i went to this thing with did start seizing from a mix of drugs and e and booze he was given. i just went to dance. and support my friend's band who opened before the spinning began. oh yeah. i used to be a roadie. god i miss it.

i have been invited to raves though. i would be leery of taking any drug given to me by anyone i don't know. but that's just me and my history conspiring to make me a loser. however i can dance non stop for like 3 hours or more. sometimes i forget to get water and i dehydrate myself and get sick...how funny is that? it's like i'm on the drugs but i'm not! natural high man! or just being plain freaking crazy whatever

well hugs and such...sorry it's been awhile but really i can't be sorry because the job pays the bills that pays for the sg.

take care of yourself! kiss
I just got a Sony RCW500C. I'm going to create my first CD tonight. This is going to be a demo of what I play so there will be breaks in it as not to have a good CD to be rerecorded without monetary compensation.

This shit is not free people unless youre the best of the best. I have spent my entire life savings...
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Party Hardy

So fuck it if I have no friends, who needs them I had a fucking blast tonight and I stayed sober, can you believe that shit? Well Christina was supposed to call me tonight and go downtown with me but big surprise, she didn't callroll eyes I even told her "Look if you can't go I'll understand just call me and let me...
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Same shit different day. I'm meeting new people through work, which is decent. I'm starting to get some intel on the hot spots to go for music and such. I think I'm going to buy a CD recorder by this weekend so I can start spinning some CD's and get my sets out, I have a lot of people interested in some CDs so well...
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Girlz just don't understand

So I was given an ultimatum tonight by Amber. Either get divorced or that's it. I guess I can see her point, I mean imagine dating someone and they were married, it would bother me if she was married. I didn't help the situation though because she saw a picture of Nancy in my wallet and the last 2 or 3...
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Wednesday January 18, 2006 - 4:11 AM
Drugs Drugs Drugs but all legal smile

Does anyone know anything about tanning pills? I just got some in the mail. Im skeptical though, I dont want them to make me look like I have jaundice or anythinglol

I also got some Orange Speedball energy capsules. I used to take this shit in AIT in the Army until...
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Personally I wouldn't trust the tanning pills - they are very hard on your system eeek

Kisses kiss kiss