Wednesday May 24, 2006 - 10:58 PM

So yea. I had a blackout yesterday and left work only to wake up at like 7:30pm which I thought was am and I fucked up.
i felt like such a tard today but I didn'y get firedroll eyes
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Missed Youth

I miss being young. I look at my pictures and realize I'm never going to get that back. I never even knew what I had until I didn't have it anymore. I took it for granted and wanted to grow up so fast. I was sitting on the bus yesterday and had a realization that I'm almost middle aged and my looks are...
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I think an elopation on tuesday.
Yeah, thats kind of the plan.
Sunday April 30, 2006 - 4:53 PM

I have a friend coming over tonight. We're going swimming and hot tubbing, which is funny cause I live like 50 meters away from the pool but have never used.

GAMMA called me tonight, he's a big name DJ out of Sacremento and he's going to sell me over 80 D&B/ Jungle LP's for $80.00. SAWEEET!happy

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I got a new jobie

So I accepted the job with the SPCA. And it pays a lot better than I thought it would, well it doesn't pay great but it's not minimum wage.

I should still check out the golf course I suppose though. The thing is though is they want to start me on the payroll Tuesday and I don't know how that...
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hey heys. thanks!

congrats on new jobie!

I still may end up being able to go to BM it all depends on how much money and time i'll have since I do have a break from aug 19-sept. 3 and would have to be back in the caribbean on sunday...and my fiance isnt too keen on heat and desert...but im talkin to him...and we'll see what the future holds till then email me your home addy/email/and myspace(if u gots)

since, i'm not on SG too much...and then I can keeps in touch...

So I went to my ADTP evaluation in which I thought it was for a medical but it turned out to be another VA shrink. Well this was a lady in which I prefer ladies, I feel more comfortable talking with them for some reason. So she gave me a choice to change my shrink appts to deal with her. So I said go...
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Maybe someday I'll actually take a picture of it, so people can see it.
Tuesday April 11, 2006 - 9:43 PM
They Like me....They really like me

So I've been offered a job at the SPCA after I'm done my community service. I might take it, I doubt it pays very well but it would give me something to do and give me some money. I'm applying at the golf course here too because I live right beside it...
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What's it like working at the SPCA?
The pay sucks but if your an animal lover it's worth it. We are the only non-kill shelter in Reno. Actually we save adoptable cats and dogs from the other shelters on death row to save them and give them a second chance smile
Isn't blackmail fun!!!

So Christina called this morning. lol "Ok, Ill have your money Friday!" All it took was alittle incentive. Stupid girllol
While listening to Some stupid top 40 rap bullshit and feeling happy happy
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So Christina has led me to blackmail. This girl owes me $60.00 and has for months and I know she has no desire to pay me. Well her mistake was telling me that she was having an affair with another personal trainer on her boyfriend. So Tonight I text msg'd her. Pay me or I confess her sins
While feeling pissed pissed
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I arose from the dead, at least for the next year. I don't like the auto renew thing though. Well it's good to be back smile
I'm not too poperual regrgardless
Community Service

So tommorow I start hacking away my 60hrs. But I have the best ever place to do my service! The SPCA! I love heart love heart loveheart puppies and kittens and cats and dogs! I would almost volunteer here even if I didn't have to and if I had the time. Maybe next month when I get my truck back and seeing how...
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Oh God I'm one of them. Realms??roll eyes I might as well go get some 10 sided dice and a purple cape, name myself Gorlack and kick it at the comic shop

I never thought about it until my last 2 g/f's. My legs rock. I mean the rest of me might not but..............Actually my last 3 g/f's. Vanessa in PA had an obsession with my legs. Then Amber, I remember Amber rubbing my legs and moaning in pleasure because ho muscular they are. Then Mikail commented on them, so I think they're my best feature...
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