Ok well I never come on SG much anymore, sorry guyz. So here is a quick update. I finally broke free from Reno and I'm living in Canada again. I've been here about 3 weeks. Starting a new job tomorrow as a field technician for Xerox. And that's about it in a nutshell. Hope your all alive and doing well.
Birthday Party
Ok so recap of my birthday night. I show up at the map point and meet my friends. We make our way out to the party with mass confusion of the location. Cars were getting stuck in the sand and we had to turn around several times. We finally get to the party, right away I am given some part-E favors and the...
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Ok so recap of my birthday night. I show up at the map point and meet my friends. We make our way out to the party with mass confusion of the location. Cars were getting stuck in the sand and we had to turn around several times. We finally get to the party, right away I am given some part-E favors and the...
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omg so sorry i missed your birthday! i was off playing roadie and didn't get on for very long
happy belated birthday wishes!!!
wow sounds like you had quite a party.
eek for the bad ending though
take care of yourself...catch you later

happy belated birthday wishes!!!

wow sounds like you had quite a party.

eek for the bad ending though

take care of yourself...catch you later

Family Ties. Yea right
So my Mom just got out of the operating room. She had to go to Vancouver for private surgery on her back because if she didnt go private shed be on like a 2-year waiting list. By that time shed be addicted Im sure to the painkillers they had her on. Well her surgery went well.
Ive separated myself from my...
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glad to hear your mom's doing alright with the back thing.
seeing the family again is tough when you're not close to them anymore. especially when you have issues with them.
yeah i know what you mean...my mom spilled all her years of hatred for me and how she wished she hadn't had me and she thinks i ruined her life. but i already sorta knew that by how she treated me. she's never tried to take it back and she doesn't really want to fix things. she just calls me when she wants something and ignores me the rest of the time. but i like that she ignores me. it's bad though. she's dying. but she's been dying my whole life. it's hard to feel guilty when she doesn't like me very much.
my friends have always been my family...sadly more fickle of a family than i'd hope but it works...
big hugs and best of luck with facing the family <hugs>
it's so nice of there to be there for your mom though, especially given the emotional ringer it will put you through to see the other family members.
seeing the family again is tough when you're not close to them anymore. especially when you have issues with them.
yeah i know what you mean...my mom spilled all her years of hatred for me and how she wished she hadn't had me and she thinks i ruined her life. but i already sorta knew that by how she treated me. she's never tried to take it back and she doesn't really want to fix things. she just calls me when she wants something and ignores me the rest of the time. but i like that she ignores me. it's bad though. she's dying. but she's been dying my whole life. it's hard to feel guilty when she doesn't like me very much.
my friends have always been my family...sadly more fickle of a family than i'd hope but it works...
big hugs and best of luck with facing the family <hugs>
it's so nice of there to be there for your mom though, especially given the emotional ringer it will put you through to see the other family members.
Oh it just keeps getting better
Guess What!
I got a side jobbie working for GSP Entertainment doing freelance journalism for GSP magazine. Basically Im going to be writing event review articles and doing interviews. So my Dj friends out there, Im going to be hitting you up for potential interviews and reviews. Its going to give you media coverage and help me make some...
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Guess What!
I got a side jobbie working for GSP Entertainment doing freelance journalism for GSP magazine. Basically Im going to be writing event review articles and doing interviews. So my Dj friends out there, Im going to be hitting you up for potential interviews and reviews. Its going to give you media coverage and help me make some...
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Congrats! I miss you, we need to talk more often.
No Justice
We had a dog named Justice. She was a total character. Super smart dogg that could escape from anything. So today I put her in this enclosure that she couldn't jump out of. Well she figured out a way to get the gate open. I went looking for her frantically and this guy rides up on a bike and says "Dude, are you...
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We had a dog named Justice. She was a total character. Super smart dogg that could escape from anything. So today I put her in this enclosure that she couldn't jump out of. Well she figured out a way to get the gate open. I went looking for her frantically and this guy rides up on a bike and says "Dude, are you...
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sorry to hear about your loss

sorry to hear about your loss

Well yesterday was awkward but flatterin
Well I went to Sarah's yesterday. She was very flirty with me, like trying to tickle me and tracing her finger on my leg and stuff. She couldn't have spelled KISS ME any clearer. The thing is she has a boyfriend so I just played it off and when it got a little close I told her I had...
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Well I went to Sarah's yesterday. She was very flirty with me, like trying to tickle me and tracing her finger on my leg and stuff. She couldn't have spelled KISS ME any clearer. The thing is she has a boyfriend so I just played it off and when it got a little close I told her I had...
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wow sounds like you've been a magnet for women who are "interesting" to say the least
sorry i've been away. but i'm back from the dead now and can't believe i was dumb enough to spend so much time in darkness and isolation fighting for something that in the end wasn't really anything like it claimed to be. oh well, lesson learned.
hope you've had some of the good kind of trouble to balance out the bad

sorry i've been away. but i'm back from the dead now and can't believe i was dumb enough to spend so much time in darkness and isolation fighting for something that in the end wasn't really anything like it claimed to be. oh well, lesson learned.
hope you've had some of the good kind of trouble to balance out the bad

what happened was a lot of stuff...i wrote about it on my blog if you want to know. it's kind of unweildy to put here.
gory details
anywho now i'm on an upswing and in fact cannot remember when i've been this happy because i have self worth coming from me now and not my gpa, my parent's approval, or some guy's' affection. i don't need those things to like me. i just like me. and that has probably never happened in my life. so things are grand even though i'm getting mad curveballs thrown at me by life.
that and i've weened myself off of both caffiene and aspartame, which were messing up my heart and making it palpitate and spiking my moods.
so yeah. still have ptsd bullshit. still have problems. still have crazy life situations. but i'm deal with everything in a healthy way with a much more balanced perspective.
one day at a time. fuck yeah. that's the way.
so glad to hear you're doing better
gory details
anywho now i'm on an upswing and in fact cannot remember when i've been this happy because i have self worth coming from me now and not my gpa, my parent's approval, or some guy's' affection. i don't need those things to like me. i just like me. and that has probably never happened in my life. so things are grand even though i'm getting mad curveballs thrown at me by life.
that and i've weened myself off of both caffiene and aspartame, which were messing up my heart and making it palpitate and spiking my moods.
so yeah. still have ptsd bullshit. still have problems. still have crazy life situations. but i'm deal with everything in a healthy way with a much more balanced perspective.
one day at a time. fuck yeah. that's the way.
so glad to hear you're doing better

I'm so bored in life lately. I can't afford a social life and music is the only thing giving me any joy these days. At least I have that but even this may be slipping away from me also, considering I don't really own any of the equipment I have.
God forbid but even PureRave is bringing me little enjoyment the last couple of...
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I'm so bored in life lately. I can't afford a social life and music is the only thing giving me any joy these days. At least I have that but even this may be slipping away from me also, considering I don't really own any of the equipment I have.
God forbid but even PureRave is bringing me little enjoyment the last couple of...
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I just had my heart stop!
:shock: Jesus Christ!:shock:
Have you ever had a girl your seeing call you crying and the only words you can understand are "I'm Pregnant".
And then you think about that time you 2 were hormonally challenged and just ignored the fact that you didn't use cont reception.
But............................after you start your heart again and battle the horrible feeling...
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:shock: Jesus Christ!:shock:
Have you ever had a girl your seeing call you crying and the only words you can understand are "I'm Pregnant".
And then you think about that time you 2 were hormonally challenged and just ignored the fact that you didn't use cont reception.
But............................after you start your heart again and battle the horrible feeling...
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In Tn right now, but leaving as soon as i can get my heed outta my arse. I think God must hate me lliving here or she wouldn't have punished me so....just kidding.
I punish myself...
A friend of mine lives in Reno and is gettin married soon, so I may HAVE to make a roadtrip out very soon.
Just tying up loose ends and rednecks before I go.
In Tn right now, but leaving as soon as i can get my heed outta my arse. I think God must hate me lliving here or she wouldn't have punished me so....just kidding.
I punish myself...

A friend of mine lives in Reno and is gettin married soon, so I may HAVE to make a roadtrip out very soon.
Just tying up loose ends and rednecks before I go.
I'm so bored in life lately. I can't afford a social life and music is the only thing giving me any joy these days. At least I have that but even this may be slipping away from me also, considering I don't really own any of the equipment I have.
God forbid but even PureRave is bringing me little enjoyment the last couple of months. The only things that make me happy these days is my doggies at work and music. The thing with music though is I enjoy being a hobbyist for the moment. It just feels like there is so much pressure to please with going public. roll eyes I know I know, what a stupid thing to say being a DJ, but I play what I enjoy and I feel passionate about. I never thought of playing anything with the thought of other ppl not feeling the same way as I do about it. I'm so egotistical about music, like if you don't hear what I'm hearing coming out of those speakers then BANNNNN! You're fired!
Like I've ever listened to anything that is over a 5% percentile popular rate. Top 40 makes me gag and eat my own vomit more than to listen to it all day. Ok before this gets more radical I'll finish.
Just another meaningless rant from Jay todaytongue
While feeling bothered bothered
Anger | 0 Comments | Edit | Delete
I'm so bored in life lately. I can't afford a social life and music is the only thing giving me any joy these days. At least I have that but even this may be slipping away from me also, considering I don't really own any of the equipment I have.
God forbid but even PureRave is bringing me little enjoyment the last couple of months. The only things that make me happy these days is my doggies at work and music. The thing with music though is I enjoy being a hobbyist for the moment. It just feels like there is so much pressure to please with going public. roll eyes I know I know, what a stupid thing to say being a DJ, but I play what I enjoy and I feel passionate about. I never thought of playing anything with the thought of other ppl not feeling the same way as I do about it. I'm so egotistical about music, like if you don't hear what I'm hearing coming out of those speakers then BANNNNN! You're fired!
Like I've ever listened to anything that is over a 5% percentile popular rate. Top 40 makes me gag and eat my own vomit more than to listen to it all day. Ok before this gets more radical I'll finish.
Just another meaningless rant from Jay todaytongue
While feeling bothered bothered
Anger | 0 Comments | Edit | Delete
So I've been hangin out with that girl Shana quiet a lot. I like her alot and she likes me and get this "She asked me to be her boyfriend." Yea I know, kinda junior high but she said it kidding but was serious yea know.
She's cute, well Nancy thinks she's nasty but any girl I've ever said was pretty Nancy hated. But...
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So I've been hangin out with that girl Shana quiet a lot. I like her alot and she likes me and get this "She asked me to be her boyfriend." Yea I know, kinda junior high but she said it kidding but was serious yea know.
She's cute, well Nancy thinks she's nasty but any girl I've ever said was pretty Nancy hated. But...
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Agreed. Maybe in the next life, when we are both cats. Hot cats, who like to do it alot.
I can make it work like that.
Oh, and that girl is hot, like woah.
Twilight Zone
Weird night. I went over to the roomates of the girl that was stalking me trying to have my baby because the tarot cards told her. Well the roomates friend was the original person that told me what was going on. Well she wanted to meet me which is why I went over to the stalker roomates house. Well Ex roomate, she kicked...
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Weird night. I went over to the roomates of the girl that was stalking me trying to have my baby because the tarot cards told her. Well the roomates friend was the original person that told me what was going on. Well she wanted to meet me which is why I went over to the stalker roomates house. Well Ex roomate, she kicked...
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So this psycho has been doing everything in her power to get my goods. Well her roomate messaged me lastnight telling me how she's trying to get me to knock her up because she had a tarot reading done and it said she would have my baby.
Yea the cards lied!

Yea the cards lied!
I don't really understand how that's even physically possible...

sorry my life's been a madhouse for the past year and i've not been around much...
well just in case you can see this here's holiday wishes and naked ladies...
hope you unwrap sweet delights this holdiay season...
and start the new year off with a playful, colorful bang...
or at least a pop...
but whatever you do don't shoot your eye out!
happy holidays