it is strange but i find i dont look at the pictures that much, I have met folks who i have chatted with for hours
i am amazed at the thoughtful individuals i have encountered and the amount of nastiness i have learned to avoid
i am grateful for all the positive energy i have encountered here, i find my life more diverse with the addition of hte individuals i have met
thank you all who have welcomed me
i am amazed at the thoughtful individuals i have encountered and the amount of nastiness i have learned to avoid
i am grateful for all the positive energy i have encountered here, i find my life more diverse with the addition of hte individuals i have met
thank you all who have welcomed me
That is one high quality entry there 

Hi was really nice to chat with you, you were very helpful to me, thank you. Definitely gave me some real food for thought. And it was nice to chat with someone who has some experience with what I'm going through. Will definitely be seein you around SG