Had the greatest night last night!!! Was at the Dom with my brother who is visiting from Halifax and met a really cool girl. We all started talking about the kind of stuff that people throw you in the "looney bin" for! You know... the kind of stuff like personal power and past life regressions and what not. Anyhow, it was a nice change from the brainless topics that people usually talk about at the bar!
Today is slow and tedious. Lots of business work to do that will take a very long time (including tax reporting)!!! I hate tax time! It's soooo boring.
I do hope to get a lot done today though!! Whoever is going to the Dom or Zaphod tonight I'll see u there!
Today is slow and tedious. Lots of business work to do that will take a very long time (including tax reporting)!!! I hate tax time! It's soooo boring.
I do hope to get a lot done today though!! Whoever is going to the Dom or Zaphod tonight I'll see u there!

Hey sorry I have not replied til now. I have been workin too damn much...u asked about places to go in Norfolk/ Va beach area. I dont really know too many places but Time is a club in Norfokl that I hear a lot about...sort of high class bitches that go there I guess....but my ritual is Sunday goin to Chichos pizza and bar...around noon they open up...they have the best huge pepperoni pizzas for 5 bucks and they play a lot of punk rock and show skater movies and shit....it is pretty cool...u should check it out.....well hit me up later if u feel like it

gold huh... wow... thanks...