Why am I still awake? Its 6am... Went to walmart hours again and got my friend some roses and a card yea my friend. I think we could make that jump to being a couple I dunno how much of a match we are but we love each other and I feel amazing wihen were together. Leaving walmart to go to his work and leave his presents in his car and my car starts making a terrible noise.. Oh god im thinking please dont be a rod. So I stopped at a gas station and got 2 things of oil (I really need an oil change) put that in and I believe the noise has stopped.. So I ran to his work and then got home and started messing around with my tattoo kit I got for fun. I just did my first tattoo on myself its number 15 on me but first I've done.. Its pretty sad looking.. I'll either have my friend Stephanie fix it or really I'm thinking show me how to make it better myself. I went with something small and easy.. So now im blogging and needed to clean up my mess.. Thinkin a shower sounds nice so does sleep. Not sure if my friend will stop by or not.. Hmmmmm...... Getting cable internet later today so glad this cell phone company mobile internet isn't fast enough for my laptop. gotta work later today 2 days off goes by fast....
xoxo for now
xoxo for now