Chillin at home watching some cable bored.. System issue at the call center bank I work for so I'm off tonight from work with PAY! Pretty sweet!!!!!!!!
More Blogs
Tuesday Sep 02, 2008
So a friend I made off here said I should post something new.. So he… -
Saturday Jun 21, 2008
Finally my pics are up and I can now say im a Hopeful. My next pics … -
Friday Jun 20, 2008
So yea the last few days havent been too bad.. Slowly getting back t… -
Friday Jun 13, 2008
Not feeling so wells. things are really going down hill and im screa… -
Thursday Jun 12, 2008
So do people really read these or put personal info in them? Geez th… -
Wednesday Jun 11, 2008
Grrrrrrrrr...... What a day and a hot one too. Drove my camaro whic… -
Wednesday Jun 11, 2008
I'm new!!! Finally I'm excited my profile is working.. woohoo ok …