One of our most monumental misapprehensions as a culture is our tendency to succumb to a concept of being "Flawed."
The notion of oneself being flawed is implausible.
How can I make such a statement?
How can I make such a statement?
Simply put, there can never be a flaw in a system where perfection is non existent; there is no living inhabitant on this planet that is perfect. I've have however, encountered my fair share of people with over-inflated egos' that believed they were.
What we do have are "Differences!"
Differences in our paths of learning, growth, perceptions, goals and aspirations. Will we ever learn to accept or at least respect the differences of others that may not share our beliefs or taste?
I don't understand why we continue to perpetuate the degradation of our culture by this misconceived mindset.
Everything, is relative to something else in this system and we all possess the potential to adjust it's weight or value, thereby minimizing or maximizing it's perceived value. e.g. Friend/Foe, Good/Bad, Beauty/Ugliness.
We all possess relative beauty and are worthy of respect, compassion and love!
No one likes everything and that's perfectly alright, however, it's not alright to shame, debase, bully, hurt, kill or attempt to eradicate a person/persons or thing/things just because of their differences.
Don't be fearful, as our culture's establishment exploits and manipulates our fears. Instead try to be brave open minded and embrace new experiences. Avoid snap judgements and sweeping generalizations.
Question the establishment by using your intellect and explore each situation uniquely; don't generalize or follow the masses.
Educate yourself with facts, don't be played or allow yourself to be manipulated, use your gray-matter!
Peace and positive vibes to all,
Peace and positive vibes to all,