My younger brother, his friend Mike, and his friend Amanda were drinking a bottle of wine in the woods behind sprinker. They downed the bottle and headed back towards the car to split. They were surrounded by a group of 6 or 7 Mexicans.
"We're just passing by," my brother states. They proceed forward like it was going to be ok, but he knew shit... Read More
I don't like violence, but I can't help feeling like I wanted to be there. I can't stand it when one of my own get into an unfair situation.
They may not have been so cocky to roll up on a group of four. I intimidate people anyway.
But I'm also smart enough to realize shit happens the way it needs to for a reason. I can't afford to second-guess creation the way it comes together, but I can damn sure decide who I am in realtion to that, and carry on to carve out my own existance.
I see the face of God
in every person
in every tree
in every rock
in every breath
in every circle
in every circumstance
in every star
in every laugh
in the wind
in the ocean
Ivey Is in this weekend's addition of GO, the Tacoma New Tribune's weekend entertainment rag.
There's an article in there about our sound, influences, and thoughts on the local scene. Right next to it is an article about how Limp Bizkit blows big donkey balls.
The TNT [ah, acronyms] should run a copy of our item online in the next week or so, and... Read More
When you are aware, fully, of who you are and what you are trying to become, you respond to the outer world differently. You are not afraid to own what you say, what you do, and what you think. Indeed, you walk as a enfleshed example of your own... Read More
1. Nervous Habits: pop my knuckles
2. Are you double jointed: No
3. Can you roll your tongue: I can roll the roll from one side of my tounge to the other
4. Can you raise one eyebrow at a time: i'm no spock
5. Can you blow spit bubbles: not into blowing dudes
6. Can you cross your eyes: yeah
7. Tattoos: ...maybe
8.... Read More