Misunderstanding takes effort. It is the reluctance on the part of one who is steadfast in their present understanding. It is a symptom of having your head full.
There was a Western scientist who visited a Zen Monestary in hopes of proving his theory. He met with a monk and asked him about Zen, only when the monk attempted to give an answer, the scientist would interrupt him to spout theory and cite reference. After a few exchanges, the monk suggested they have some tea. "Why, what an excellent idea.. then we could talk more about Zen origination theories!"
The monk began pouring tea, until the cup filled up and began to overflow. "Dear Sir!" the scientist gasped, "How do you expect me to enjoy my tea, unless you stop pouring?"
"Dear Sir," the monk replied, "how do you expect to learn of Zen if you think you already know everything?
Misunderstand Outside of the Context
It's perspective.
It's perception.
It's preference of expression.
It's only natural that some would view you as insane. Shamans walk the line between the conscious and the unconscious. The tangible and intangible. The substantial and insubstantial.
Many, many people hold steadfast to their illusions. It is part and parcel of doing business down here. Many, many others are invested in people holding onto their illusions. But are you defined by your self, or by what you allow in of anothers' perception of your self?
What others think of you is none of your business. We see the facet of others that mirrors our own perception of ourselves.
This is ultimately because the self and the other are one, and we are seeing the illusion of polarity.
Each of us walk with Purpose. The Higher Self is about performing its Task. Go against that, and you will see chaos flower. Follow it, and life will overflow with abundance.
Make not the mistake of misunderstanding. Their path will meet yours at the destination. Then we'll all take off our masks and laugh at how silly we've been.
Hey write me back bitch!!!! Want to party?