UNDERSTAND. Genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again are genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves in a patter of molecular genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating thsemselves over and over again gene are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again patterns repeating themselves over and over again and over again are molecular VIBRATIONs repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again patterns repeating themselves over and over again again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again themselves over and over again again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over againagain again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again again repeating themselves over and over again over and over again patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are moleculat patterns repeating themselves over and over and over again again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again repeating themselves over and over again molecular patterns repeating themselves over and ober again and over again..genes are a key repeating themselves over and over again moleculat patterns repeating themselves over and over again again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again to UNDERSTAND repeating themselves over and over again GENES ARE MOLECULAR PATTERNS REPEATING THEMSELVES OVER AND OVER AGAIN over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves in a specific vibrational pattern repeating themselves over over and over again and again genes are molecular patterns repeating thmselves over and over again self-replicating molecular patterns genes are diocyribonucleic acid repeating themselves in a specific vibrational pattern over and over again molecular pattern genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again frequency inherent to manifesting physical mass patterns genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again patterns repeating themselves over and over again molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again and over again patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again genes are molecular patterns repeating themselves over and over again. LIFE.
got inspiration?
I live behind Bethel High school, in the classic view estates. You know where that is? We may have to get together, you party?