Take a look at planet Earth.
It looks easy. All these humans with all this potential. All you have to do is remember who you are and stand. This gives courage to the others, and will lead to humanity's potential.
But we gotta grow.
And we gotta learn to move these hands and legs and fingers.
And we gotta learn to speak.
And which shoe goes on which foot.
And we gotta go to school to learn what they know.
And then all the pretty people..
What was I trying to do?
I don't blame you for being confused! Misunderstanding begins at Birth!
Take a look at planet Earth.

It looks easy. All these humans with all this potential. All you have to do is remember who you are and stand. This gives courage to the others, and will lead to humanity's potential.
But we gotta grow.
And we gotta learn to move these hands and legs and fingers.
And we gotta learn to speak.
And which shoe goes on which foot.
And we gotta go to school to learn what they know.
And then all the pretty people..
What was I trying to do?
I don't blame you for being confused! Misunderstanding begins at Birth!