Treatise on life's energy
The energy of life is oscillation. It is frequency. The ebb and flow. It is leaving, and again returning. It is the tide. It is the circle whose other side cannot be seen.

It is how life is created.

There is no proper or improper. The secret is in the energy aspects of our coupling. Move this life energy through your...
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Your ability to choose is all you have in your life. You can either exercise your choice, or have someone exercise it for you. Some people are comfortable with this. Some people are very comfortable with this.


Control is the consequence of your surrendered will. Your will is but your own.
You are not duty.
You are not responsibility.
You are not time.
You are not theirs, you are not mine.

You are not a social security number.
You are not young.
You are not old.
You are not ensconced into any fold.

You are not a job.
You are not left.
You are not right.
You are not black, brown, yellow, red, or white.

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What is it that you are so afriad you would do if it weren't for the fear?

The only place the universe can be limited is in our imagination. You don't perceive but through your imagination.

The Universe isn't meant to be limited. That's why it is called Infinity.

Infinity is a good word, but it still limits totality into a word. This does not take the place of true, unfettered experiential feeling. A person's word never will.

Thus, as you call...
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Truth is not the beginning, truth is not the end. The truth that can be spoken of is not the ultimate truth.

Truth is not an all-purveying condition. It is a sense. Your truth is what you have lived through.

I don't believe as you do, but you don't have to believe what I do in order for us to live with one another. What...
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It's easy to die. What you believe informs your reality and creates your convictions. When you are at peace with what you experience, nothing shall surprise you. Nothing shall rob you. Nothing shall even move you from your serenity, even if they kill you.

Truth is an amalgam of what you know and what you are now experiencing. When what is percieved before us resonates...
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Being to me how I know myself to be, being to thee as you percieve me..