So I suppose since I pay for this site I should start making use of all the features it has to offer, like making a pointless blog post.
Things going on:
New job, new city.
Job = good, city = good but social life still seems slightly lacking. Hopefully that picks up over time. Atlanta seems like a sweet place. Going to a good show this Thursday, hopefully meet some cool people there. If anyone happens to read this and is from here feel free to send me a message pointing me in the right direction of things to do, places to go etc.
Here's some music I like, enjoy it.
Things going on:
New job, new city.
Job = good, city = good but social life still seems slightly lacking. Hopefully that picks up over time. Atlanta seems like a sweet place. Going to a good show this Thursday, hopefully meet some cool people there. If anyone happens to read this and is from here feel free to send me a message pointing me in the right direction of things to do, places to go etc.
Here's some music I like, enjoy it.
I hope you have a good week!