I don't mind HUUUGE tarantulas. I think they're pretty.
But when the spider is about the size of a peanut or smaller I'm hysteric.
It#s the same with jellyfish.
I mean, come on.
They're more than 90% water and still I freak out everytime I see one.
while I was getting my tattoo, one of the artists 8the one that was right in front...
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I don't mind HUUUGE tarantulas. I think they're pretty.
But when the spider is about the size of a peanut or smaller I'm hysteric.
It#s the same with jellyfish.
I mean, come on.
They're more than 90% water and still I freak out everytime I see one.
while I was getting my tattoo, one of the artists 8the one that was right in front...
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And as for spiders- the only ones I can stand are the teeny, itty-bitty little jumping spiders smaller than the tippy-tip of your pinky. I think those are cute. Go figure.