sitting here in my apt...broke as a joke....with nothing good to eat...i just had the last of the lettuce and now there isn't much left....well nothing that i want at least....got no idea what im going to do tonight but it better be fun cause vacation is almost over and i want to go down in a drunken haze!
oh dont worry my lack of money doesn't extend to my quest for booze...i just refuse to spend my drinking money on food....also i do have a nicely stocked house if shit goes down and i needed to stay in,,,,as for someone to call over here to play with....not so much whatever
see if you lived in brighton in the UK thats not too far from me so you could have a hippy company evening!! frown

sufjan stevens is so amazing, it's nice to have stuff to just chill out to sometimes and i do my best deep thinking listening to the illinois album!

hippy hugs xx
some one please come take me out tonight....there is a show that i am going to and i am too broke to afford a cab both ways alone, too much of a princess to take a bus then the train there and too drunk to drive.....what the fuck is a girl to do!

(for the record im taking a cab and not wearing a jacket...
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for the record...cab companies suck so hard....why dont they ever answer the freakin phone when i call!!!! mad
hope you managed your night out safely??

Any good??

hippy hugs xx
got some good news and bad new today (bad = my eyesight sucks....good = it isn't going to be as expensive or evil as i though to correct it) so i did what i like to do when i am celebrating and/ or moping around and feeling bad for my self....went to pf changs and got some wonton soup (yes I ate that huge bowl...
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just saw some one describe a girl as a "bendable broad" and i admit i thought that it was pretty funny....it actually might be my new goal....to be come a bendier (?) broad

pilates tonight = fantastic as always.... cant wait to start doing it more.....

more goals met for the week (day 6 of 10...over the hump ARRR!!! ) : picked up the best heels...
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I was thinking about goals and then started thinking about you being bendier and now im just a bit hypnotized!


hippy hugs x
I too, would like to become bendier. I have never tried pilates...what do you think of it? And the chili was ahhh-mazing.

And the boy I was referring to was actually my bodypillow whom I sometimes refer to as my boyfriend because I don't have the real deal. But he'll do. wink
day 5 (of 10) :
today I got two chores accomplished and i'm thinking of going for a 3rd...I mailed my rent check (which got lost in the mail last month so it was really febs rent money a little late whatever ) then i came home and gave myself a nice wax...that was actually not that bad to be honest...though it would be nicer if...
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you have over a week off, how come you didn't go somewhere warm?
cause im broke and dont have any friends that could go away with me...... frown

sushi and tapas.....i think that today was pure heaven - got a bunch of errands done as mentioned before...but also had some absolutely delicious food......not to mention a pitcher of sangria which is always devine...i love it love

got a favorite sushi or tapas...let me know? (come on now...you know you like at least one) ARRR!!!
I've never had either! frown

sad, so sad
white tuna rocks! so does fatty tuna.
into day 4 of my vacation and i finally got a bunch of things done, in the middle of washing some of the big laundry stuff at my house (duvet, slip covers etc) and did a few other errands....got my very favorite shoes to the cobbler to be fixed...I took off the tips of both of the heels a few weeks ago down in fanuiel...
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in case you were wondering what they looked like......
great shoes!!!

If i had any good ideas for spending time i would have a life (which i havent) so im sorry i cant help you with that!

hope your vacation is going well!

hippy hugs xx
last night was quite exciting......didn't get to bed until it was very light...slept till it was dark again....i love those kind of nights -- all out partying.......went on a few missions last night (after party of the show that we didn't even go to....) met up with a bunch of friends and just had so much fun...

the best part of it all....I still have...
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wow...i got drunk last night and missed work today....that is not good at all...i missed all these calls from my boss who was wondering where i was (since i didn't call in until 2 hours into the day)
I lied and said that I was *violently* ill and was so sick all night that I just had to lay down and didnt wake up..... puke

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I remember nights like that and still fondly even after all the puke

You need a carer!!

haha...there wasn't any puke I just lied and suggested that there was as my excuse to not be in work...and I actually do have a career....and a good one at that....unfortunately sometimes going out and having fun just get in the way of it miao!!
went to the bar last night....like all other single people to drown my valentine's date-less sorrows.....fortunately i can never be sad when I'm around all my favorite friends, tequilla, vodka, beer, pink shots, blue shots.....I love you all love

today was not as joyous...hung over and crap-tacular in general.....pilates was great as always though i would have loved a nap....but that is all that is on...
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one shot, two shots, pink shots, blue shots...

I love Dr. Seuss