I'm getting a little bored -- its been about 3 weeks since work ended and since then I have been free -- went to NH for 11 days - and that was great....hiked for the first time - 2 different places - even scrambled up some cliffs which was pretty cool - went kayaking and boating and all sorts of other outside type stuff -- now I am back in boston and its hot and sticky and I am cranky! I want to be back at the lake......but instead I think that I am headed down to NJ to check out my new location - not happy that I am unable to look at any apts but I guess that I can deal with it......I really need a job ASAP....anyone have something they need done and want to pay me to do it?

I know you have been a fan of my work in the past, so I figured I would let you know my new film is posted in my journal today. Come check it out before YT pulls it down.