Still working the same job but starting to have a light loathing for it. I'm reading more which is good. I am still single and sexless. Still broke. I am going to the bar less. I am smoking less. I also have been thinking nonstop of bad memories and have been terribly worried about the future. I have desided that the only way this is going to stop is if I start changing my rut of a lifestyle, if you can call a rut that. Which means less of all the self destuctive behavior and more mentally stimulating behavior. Also, it means I am thinking about quiting smoking and that I need to get back on weight watchers and finding a new job. This wasn't much of a blog but it's an update. Plus my ass is asleep from sitting in this chair.
Good luck quitting smoking. The good part is that you'll have more money to spend on other things. I think that's where my motivation would be. And I know the whole single and sexless part a little too well. Anyways, if you ever want to have an intellectual and boring conversation, you know where to find me.
good lucky.. i need stop smoking